Gin (ygin)

Message Forum


  • interested in a game?? View
      by hummycherub on January 24, 2014 at 09:58:37 PST

    anyone interested in giving me a game so I don't purge? I had trouble with java since Sunday was able to get in the last 2 days but no one is ever around. I got up to play in bingos 9 but it was gone.
    • Re: interested in a game?? View
        by Monalisa62003 on January 28, 2014 at 18:10:12 PST

      : anyone interested in giving me a game so I don't purge? I had trouble with java since Sunday was able to get in the last 2 days but no one is ever around. I got up to play in bingos 9 but it was gone.

      If u see this msg, id love to play. Used to play this ages ago. However i too cant get java working. I might get it working by the weekend.

    • Re: interested in a game?? View
        by Monalisa62003 on January 28, 2014 at 18:09:28 PST

      : anyone interested in giving me a game so I don't purge? I had trouble with java since Sunday was able to get in the last 2 days but no one is ever around. I got up to play in bingos 9 but it was gone.

      If u see this msg, id love to play. Used to play this ages ago. However i too cant get java working. I might get it working by the weekend.

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