Gin (ygin)

Message Forum


      by fantasia_sf on March 22, 2014 at 17:28:47 PDT

    My name is Sal Fantasia and I understand that Yahoo will be shutting down at the end of March. Well having been one of the Original Gin players from Flipside Gin, FSGIN, so I understand what you are going through. Those of us at FSGIN have had to go through the same thing. When Flipside closed we moved to the Hoyle Games site and were there for several years but the site was eventually closed when Vivendi Universal sold the site. For the past 5 years the players that are left are playing on the RENGIN ladder which playes at Gaming Safari. Already three of the MyLeague ladders that are at Yahoo have decided to move to Ganing Safari. When we made the move from Hoyle to this site Case's made it possible for us to transfer all of our stats and bux to the new ladder.

    As a long time player I would like to invite you to visit our rooms and see what we have. At the present time there are 6 MyLeague ladders on one Case's ladder, rengin. We have 3 rooms, the Case's Ladder room where ladder matches are played, the Case's Ladder Tag Team room and the Case's Ladder TR room where the tourneys are played.

    If there is enough interest I believe I can persuade Case's to set up the transfer option again.

    • Re: YAHOO CLOSING View
        by Dart268 on March 22, 2014 at 18:16:26 PDT

      The transfer option is going up on all yahoo parlour games ladders this week.

      Thank you for the information.


Tournament Time 12:57:07 pm EDT
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