Gin (ygin)

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  • Yahoo Update View
      by Dart268 on April 20, 2014 at 13:26:31 PDT

    Latest Update from Yahoo.


    State of the Yahoo! Multiplayer Parlor Games

    April 18, 2014 4:48 PM

    YGames News

    Overview: Classic Yahoo parlor games have been closed after 15 years. We are no longer able to host them and they have been taken down permanently. New versions of free parlor games and a variety of new games will be developed, but each will take months of effort. We won’t be building new versions of every classic game and we will make specific announcements when we are able. We appreciate your feedback about the new, free parlor games.

    Read on for more details:

    In the past: Since Dec 2012, we have posted information that the original Yahoo parlor games would not receive any further development or major improvements, and would be available “as is”. We continued to host the free games at the request of our community, despite many serious issues being reported. In April 2013, we committed to keeping them up while we developed a new generation of classic parlor games, which we started releasing in late 2013. However, in January 2014, changes in supporting technologies and increased security requirements for our own Yahoo web pages, made it impossible to keep the games running safely and securely. On March 31, 2014, we began permanently closing the doors to these older games. We deeply appreciate how much these free games meant to the communities, so this is not something that we have done lightly.

    Currently: We will be adding some new free parlor games to the Yahoo catalog as quickly as we can. Please understand that developing each new game is not a matter of days, or weeks: they are long-term projects involving months of effort, and because of that, some of the classic games will not be coming back. Generally speaking, the more popular a game was, the more likely it is to be brought back, but we are also reaching for a wide variety of games. That means that we will not have exactly the same roster of games and we will make announcements about upcoming games when we feel sure that we can meet the commitments involved.

    We have released our first new free Parlor games, and we will work to make them as amazing as possible, in part based on your feedback. Many of the things suggested after initial launch have been added or improved:
    - table chat
    - invite friends
    - ranking
    - mobile versions
    - issues with game play in pool and poker
    - specific errors in each game

    We’ve heard your concerns about the new games costing money to play, please note that our parlor games will be free to play. Some may offer “boosts” for purchase, but they are available to add to your enjoyment, not a requirement to play.

    As we move forward, we will not be reproducing all the old parlor games. We are being selective with a variety of the old games and new games. However, we've been working on the next free parlor games for some time, and we should have v1.0 of them to you in the near future. Thank you for your interest, your passion for the games and your support. We’re big fans of gaming, too, and we hope you’ll work with us to make the next generation of games more popular than the last.

    - Sincerely, Yahoo Games Staff

    • Re: Yahoo Update View
        by Ost on February 15, 2017 at 03:36:13 PST

      Trying to start up again after many of years. Use to play with Slotmama, Mistress, Peachieee, where can I go to play in their league? Love to meet up with all again?
    • Gaming Safari... View
        by RLSpark on April 26, 2014 at 15:49:16 PDT

      seems to be a good place to play. The myleagues that play there have their own private rooms and the leagues are listed on the main page with a link to the room. Would be a similar atmosphere to what we had in Yahoo without Monkey interference.
      • Re: Gaming Safari... View
          by Dart268 on April 27, 2014 at 16:27:19 PDT

        The Case's Ladder on Gaming Safari is . They have their own room.


    • Re: Yahoo Update View
        by Mistresss_36 on April 25, 2014 at 17:42:17 PDT

      so you think we should keep our account here or move it/ i am really not sure of what to do.
      • Re: Yahoo Update View
          by Dart268 on April 25, 2014 at 21:03:08 PDT

        The transfer tool is now gone from the main page. However premium members can still transfer their gold but their stats will remain here until they purge. To move your bux you need to be a platinum or diamond member.

        If you are a lifetime gold you will only receive a one year gold when you move it.

        I would suggest that you leave your account here until you are sure where you want to move it to. You can join as many ladders as you like for free, and then decide which you may want to transfer your premium to. Ask around to see where your friends are playing now.

        If you are lifetime gold you may want to keep it here so your account never purges. You may never be able to play on yahoo again but your stats would remain intact here.

        After a while, non premium accounts will start to purge off the ladder.


Tournament Time 12:57:30 pm EDT
Now playing at Yahoo
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