Gin (ygin)

Message Forum


  • Oh look who's a Grammy!! View
      by jdandbb on August 24, 2013 at 18:37:26 PDT

    Audriana Nicole Tanous born 12:08 pm est. on 8/21/13 She weighed 6 pd 10 oz, 20 inches, and 17 days early. Emily-Anne and Audriana are doing great!
    • Re: Oh look who's a Grammy!! View
        by sherry5561 on August 26, 2013 at 13:37:50 PDT

      : Audriana Nicole Tanous born 12:08 pm est. on 8/21/13 She weighed 6 pd 10 oz, 20 inches, and 17 days early. Emily-Anne and Audriana are doing great!

      She's adorable. Congrats!!

    • Re: Oh look who's a Grammy!! View
        by sly_48_98 on August 25, 2013 at 07:09:59 PDT

      : Audriana Nicole Tanous born 12:08 pm est. on 8/21/13 She weighed 6 pd 10 oz, 20 inches, and 17 days early. Emily-Anne and Audriana are doing great!

      congrats...its so great to be grandma...

    • Re: Oh look who's a Grammy!! View
        by jdandbb on August 24, 2013 at 18:38:14 PDT

      : Audriana Nicole Tanous born 12:08 pm est. on 8/21/13 She weighed 6 pd 10 oz, 20 inches, and 17 days early. Emily-Anne and Audriana are doing great!

      • Re: Oh look who's a Grammy!! View
          by sly_48_98 on August 25, 2013 at 07:11:06 PDT

        : : Audriana Nicole Tanous born 12:08 pm est. on 8/21/13 She weighed 6 pd 10 oz, 20 inches, and 17 days early. Emily-Anne and Audriana are doing great!

        ske is beautiful...looks like granny right?

        • Re: Oh look who's a Grammy!! View
            by jdandbb on August 25, 2013 at 09:17:11 PDT

          : : : Audriana Nicole Tanous born 12:08 pm est. on 8/21/13 She weighed 6 pd 10 oz, 20 inches, and 17 days early. Emily-Anne and Audriana are doing great!

          : ske is beautiful...looks like granny right?
          Well I think it depends on which time you look at her one time she looks like Mommy, next time like Daddy! But I guess at a couple days old that is normal!

          • Re: Oh look who's a Grammy!! View
              by bingo_berry on August 26, 2013 at 15:28:38 PDT

            : : : : Audriana Nicole Tanous born 12:08 pm est. on 8/21/13 She weighed 6 pd 10 oz, 20 inches, and 17 days early. Emily-Anne and Audriana are doing great!

            : : ske is beautiful...looks like granny right?
            : Well I think it depends on which time you look at her one time she looks like Mommy, next time like Daddy! But I guess at a couple days old that is normal!

            She is beautiful...Congratulations....

            • Re: Oh look who's a Grammy!! View
                by GIN_QUEENIE_2006 on August 27, 2013 at 17:22:15 PDT

              Look out now you'll never be playing gin! You will either be shopping or babysitting LOL.



              • Ty Bingie and Sue!! View
                  by jdandbb on August 28, 2013 at 10:10:15 PDT

                : Look out now you'll never be playing gin! You will either be shopping or babysitting LOL.

                : Congrats!!!

                : Sue

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