Gin (ygin)

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  • Happy Anniversary Carolina1226 View
      by texastrubble on September 13, 2013 at 07:02:51 PDT

    49 years ago yesterday, long time YGIN member Joanne (Carolina1226) and her husband made a vow to each other and before God, that they would love, honor and cherish each other till they died! I want to congratulate both of them for keeping that promise! She told me this morning that yesterday marked 49 years of wedded bliss! Or 49 years that she didn't kill or divorce him, lol! Joanne, I love your sense of humor and want to wish you and him many, many more years of wedded bliss! HAPPY ANNIVERSARY !!!!
    • Re: Happy Anniversary Carolina1226 View
        by carolina1226 on September 19, 2013 at 12:40:24 PDT

      : 49 years ago yesterday, long time YGIN member Joanne (Carolina1226) and her husband made a vow to each other and before God, that they would love, honor and cherish each other till they died! I want to congratulate both of them for keeping that promise! She told me this morning that yesterday marked 49 years of wedded bliss! Or 49 years that she didn't kill or divorce him, lol! Joanne, I love your sense of humor and want to wish you and him many, many more years of wedded bliss! HAPPY ANNIVERSARY !!!!

      • Re: Happy Anniversary Carolina1226 View
          by carolina1226 on September 19, 2013 at 12:40:47 PDT

        : : 49 years ago yesterday, long time YGIN member Joanne (Carolina1226) and her husband made a vow to each other and before God, that they would love, honor and cherish each other till they died! I want to congratulate both of them for keeping that promise! She told me this morning that yesterday marked 49 years of wedded bliss! Or 49 years that she didn't kill or divorce him, lol! Joanne, I love your sense of humor and want to wish you and him many, many more years of wedded bliss! HAPPY ANNIVERSARY !!!!

        • Re: Happy Anniversary Carolina1226 View
            by carolina1226 on September 19, 2013 at 12:41:49 PDT

          Thanks, Gary.
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