Gin (ygin)

Message Forum


  • Just Sad View
      by Colt on October 18, 2013 at 22:29:19 PDT

    So sad.

    After how great the 15th birthday was and now look at it. only 2 TD's host in the last week.

    I guess in the end we all will know who to thank for it. I hope it was worth it in the long run.

    Just SAD.

    • THANK YOU!!!!! View
        by GIN_QUEENIE_2006 on October 27, 2013 at 04:14:23 PDT

      : So sad.

      : After how great the 15th birthday was and now look at it. only 2 TD's host in the last week.

      : I guess in the end we all will know who to thank for it. I hope it was worth it in the long run.

      : Just SAD.

      • Re: THANK YOU!!!!! View
          by colt on October 29, 2013 at 12:15:18 PDT

        : : So sad.

        : : After how great the 15th birthday was and now look at it. only 2 TD's host in the last week.

        : : I guess in the end we all will know who to thank for it. I hope it was worth it in the long run.

        : : Just SAD.

        Thank me? Haha , we can thank your best friend. Only person to thank.

        I guess old people gotta stick together cause they haven't got much else.

        • Re: THANK YOU!!!!! View
            by GIN_QUEENIE_2006 on November 3, 2013 at 02:40:07 PST

          you oughta know how well people stick together-you're like a stalker-I thought you left so don;t act like you give a rat's azz.
          • Re: THANK YOU!!!!! View
              by Colt on November 4, 2013 at 14:28:00 PST

            : you oughta know how well people stick together-you're like a stalker-I thought you left so don;t act like you give a rat's azz.

            Sue ,

            Do I play? Nope. I can comment on here all I want to. I have done nothing but state facts. It must suck that I am right.

            Your friend isn't the saving grace of cases. If your friend was people would actually play. Odd how the games per day go from 200 to 40 or less in a matter of 5 months.

            Also , most stalkers take the time to actually give a #!*^ about people. I could careless about you or her. I care about the league. Which I can't find joy in because you people have ruined it. Like I said the numbers don't lie.

            [Post automatically censored for profanity]

            • Re: THANK YOU!!!!! View
                by GIN_QUEENIE_2006 on November 4, 2013 at 16:10:29 PST

              Dolt: you are such a piece of work-nobody has ever cared about what you think or say!!! It was just a matter of how long you'd stay this time when you decided to grace us with your not so lovely presence. Care to guess who came closest o the number of days???
              • Re: THANK YOU!!!!! View
                  by Colt on November 5, 2013 at 12:21:29 PST

                : Dolt: you are such a piece of work-nobody has ever cared about what you think or say!!! It was just a matter of how long you'd stay this time when you decided to grace us with your not so lovely presence. Care to guess who came closest o the number of days???

                Sure , I already know people don't care what I say. However, what I say is backed by STATS which don't lie.

                I guess you are just to blonde to understand that. I don't really care if people wondered how long I'd stay or not. I guess most of the league agree with me since they don't PLAY anymore. Your hero is doing such a great job at killing the place. Yet , it means so much to her. Oh wait that is right it's the only thing she has. I forgot.

                • Re: THANK YOU!!!!! View
                    by GIN_QUEENIE_2006 on November 5, 2013 at 13:44:41 PST

                  Curious: Do you or have you ever had anything nice to say to anyone?
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