Gin (ygin)

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  • Just my Opinion View
      by marmin3 on September 7, 2013 at 15:50:25 PDT

    Sly , Bingo and Sherry have been the only reason this league exists. No one else seems to care when to have tourneys. It has been 13, 15, 16 and 17 days since tourneys were made by TD�s. It�s no wonder�

    Someone said that there were too many rules. What rules!!!!!!?

    And, EGO Seekers. This is just a game. Sure, I believe a few spoiled the games, and I think most know who they were, but they are gone.

    I know how frustrating it must be for Sly to plan tourneys and then have to cancel so many in a months time. I honestly wish it could be different. For the 3 of you mentioned above, I applaud you and I hope the rest of the players do the same.

    • Re: Just my Opinion View
        by Colt on September 7, 2013 at 17:11:59 PDT

      Marmin ,

      Everyone wanted a change. They didn't like having 5 TD's that hosted. They didn't like nights being full.

      Go figure, Now people want to complain more? I guess there will just be no winning here.

      Good Luck with the league. I actually haven't played a game of gin in a few months now. It's sad that it's been ruined for me.

      : Sly , Bingo and Sherry have been the only reason this league exists. No one else seems to care when to have tourneys. It has been 13, 15, 16 and 17 days since tourneys were made by TD�s. It�s no wonder�
      : Someone said that there were too many rules. What rules!!!!!!?

      : And, EGO Seekers. This is just a game. Sure, I believe a few spoiled the games, and I think most know who they were, but they are gone.
      : I know how frustrating it must be for Sly to plan tourneys and then have to cancel so many in a months time. I honestly wish it could be different. For the 3 of you mentioned above, I applaud you and I hope the rest of the players do the same.

      • Re: Just my Opinion View
          by GIN_QUEENIE_2006 on September 18, 2013 at 16:27:04 PDT

        Ruined for you? LOL you tried your hardest to ruin it for quite a few people!!!!
        • Re: Just my Opinion View
            by Colt on September 19, 2013 at 12:50:18 PDT

          : Ruined for you? LOL you tried your hardest to ruin it for quite a few people!!!!

          Sue , I'd love to know who I tried to ruin it for?

          I hosted in spots that were open and played in any tourney I could help in. I guess if that is ruining it then you are right.

          I guess those 5 TD's leaving didn't hurt the league either? I guess it is more popular then ever now right?

          • Re: Just my Opinion View
              by GIN_QUEENIE_2006 on September 19, 2013 at 19:52:27 PDT

            As you I am sure found out-they had their own agenda and obviously it wasn't for the good of this league and I see you followed right along with them like a good little puppy!!! Did you learn anything from your experience?????

            • Re: Just my Opinion View
                by Colt on September 20, 2013 at 08:43:16 PDT

              Followed along with who? I actually quit play gin a week after I left ygin. I felt no want to actually play the game again. I had just seen how alive this ladder could be after the 15th Bday bash and had high hopes. However, Instead of have 50 to 100 players play off and on. People would rather have 6 or 7.

              Sue , I never wanted anyone gone from ygin and never tried to. I simply wanted people to be allowed to host if there were open spots. As TD rule's said any open spot is up for grabs. Once people started doing that those 6 or 7 people started crying.

              Is it a shock to you that game play is down more then half of what it was when those 5 TD's where here? Fact is you just don't care. You'd rather see ygin become nothing. I think it's pretty sad when people are so selfish to not even change a little bit. I guess you gotta have your cake and eat it too.

              Anyway , Sue you have it whatever way you'd like to. Facts are facts. The league is dying at a faster pace now then be4. Congrats on that.

              • Re: Just my Opinion View
                  by GIN_QUEENIE_2006 on September 20, 2013 at 16:33:24 PDT

                Colt: you may call me a lot of things but selfish does not fit me-sorry.

                Have a good life!!!!

                • Re: Just my Opinion View
                    by Colt on September 20, 2013 at 23:20:50 PDT

                  : Colt: you may call me a lot of things but selfish does not fit me-sorry.

                  : Have a good life!!!!

                  I said people are selfish , I didn't say you , or call out any single player.

                  You reacting like that kinda proves my point doesn't it? It doesn't matter to me cause older people get to hang on to what they can when they got it.

                  Just in the end when it's all over and no one plays at all. Remember you all started the DOWN fall.

                  • Re: Just my Opinion View
                      by GIN_QUEENIE_2006 on September 21, 2013 at 07:54:08 PDT

                    whatever Colt-go back to the hole and I will act like I always do and have done with you-you are not worth my time!!!!!
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