Gin (ygin)

Message Forum


  • Can't get in Advanced .... View
      by texastrubble on October 20, 2013 at 03:41:00 PDT

    well now I can't get into Advanced. The stupid ToysRus ad kept booting me and I was getting in after 10 mins of trying but now I get "error 999" . I have complained to Yahoo and ToysRus to no avail. So frustrating.
    • too funny View
        by texastrubble on October 21, 2013 at 04:37:11 PDT

      ToysRus sent me a survey about my experience with customer service. I wonder if they actually read it. If they do, I should get a response. We shall see.

      : well now I can't get into Advanced. The stupid ToysRus ad kept booting me and I was getting in after 10 mins of trying but now I get "error 999" . I have complained to Yahoo and ToysRus to no avail. So frustrating.

    • looks like they've fixed it ... View
        by texastrubble on October 20, 2013 at 14:19:39 PDT

      : well now I can't get into Advanced. The stupid ToysRus ad kept booting me and I was getting in after 10 mins of trying but now I get "error 999" . I have complained to Yahoo and ToysRus to no avail. So frustrating.

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