Gin (ygin)

Message Forum


  • WHY????? View
      by marmin3 on October 29, 2013 at 13:36:13 PDT

    Why can't anyone say something nice about a person who is attempting to help Cases?
    • Re: WHY????? View
        by colt on October 30, 2013 at 20:54:52 PDT

      : Why can't anyone say something nice about a person who is attempting to help Cases?

      So who is trying to help?

      I mean lets face it Marmin , in the early months of this year this league had many tourneys and players started coming back. One of the greatest events in a long time the 15th bday bash.

      Then someone decided to throw a fit and a group of players did also. Because a little change can't happen. Ever wonder why so many great TDs left? They didn't go by choice.

      Numbers don't lie Marmin =

      10/24/13 = 20 matches played.
      10/25/13 = 30 matches played.
      10/26/13 = 19 matches played.
      10/27/13 = 49 matches played.
      10/28/13 = 27 matches played.
      10/29/13 = 33 matches played.

      178 matches in one week. In July we had over 200 matches a day.

      So you please explain to me who is at fault? I really would love to know.

      • Re: WHY????? View
          by marmin3 on October 31, 2013 at 06:17:30 PDT

        GOSH, I didn't even think this was about you.
        • Re: WHY????? View
            by colt on October 31, 2013 at 09:56:54 PDT

          : GOSH, I didn't even think this was about you.

          Did I say it was about me?

          I asked you WHO.

          Go figure you not answering another question.

          It is a shame there are still people who care about cases and can't do anything to help because it's pointless to work with people who can't give a little.


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