Gin (ygin)

Message Forum


  • Just... View
      by sas148 on October 12, 2013 at 06:29:51 PDT

    ...wanted to say hello to everyone.

    It's been awhile and suddenly ygin was on my mind this morning so figured I'd drop a line.

    Hope all is well in your neck of the woods. Nice to see that Bingo is still chugging along! :)

    I'll check on this a little later in case anyone is inclined to reply.

    Take care!


    • Re: Just... View
        by GIN_QUEENIE_2006 on October 22, 2013 at 06:17:55 PDT

      Hilo Stephen: Nice to hear from you. Hope all is ok with you. Come play in here!!!!
    • Re: Just... View
        by Colt on October 13, 2013 at 15:08:02 PDT

      Don't forget her 4 friends too.

      : ...wanted to say hello to everyone.

      : It's been awhile and suddenly ygin was on my mind this morning so figured I'd drop a line.

      : Hope all is well in your neck of the woods. Nice to see that Bingo is still chugging along! :)

      : I'll check on this a little later in case anyone is inclined to reply.

      : Take care!

      : -Stephen

      • Re: Just... View
          by GIN_QUEENIE_2006 on October 22, 2013 at 06:16:40 PDT

        : Don't forget her 4 friends too.

        lol-don't forget you aren't one of them and never will be!!!!

        • Re: Just... View
            by Colt on November 4, 2013 at 14:20:20 PST

          : : Don't forget her 4 friends too.

          : lol-don't forget you aren't one of them and never will be!!!!

          yea , cause every 28 year old man is just dying to have 60 year old friends. I will leave that to you.

          • Re: Just... View
              by GIN_QUEENIE_2006 on November 6, 2013 at 13:43:16 PST

            I have friends of all ages-you make it sound like some sane normal person would be interested in you rofl-NOT
            • Re: Just... View
                by Colt on November 8, 2013 at 13:38:17 PST

              : I have friends of all ages-you make it sound like some sane normal person would be interested in you rofl-NOT

              Why would anyone want to be with a sane normal person? To many of them walking around as it is.

              However, I guess those normal and sane people don't want to play in your best friends tourneys. She so likeable I guess.

              Anyway , It's getting old talking to you. Same story and no common sense by you. I think you should get a job in Washington because they are great at ignoring things that work for things that DONT work.

              • Re: Just... View
                  by GIN_QUEENIE_2006 on November 9, 2013 at 03:52:04 PST

                Nothing like justifying your not being sane!!!! ROFL
                If I had a job in Washington it would beat what you do also, but I've already had my job for 37 years-can you say the same and please don't tell me you had a choice with playing at being Mr. Mom!!!!
                • Re: Just... View
                    by Colt on November 11, 2013 at 16:43:31 PST

                  : Nothing like justifying your not being sane!!!! ROFL
                  : If I had a job in Washington it would beat what you do also, but I've already had my job for 37 years-can you say the same and please don't tell me you had a choice with playing at being Mr. Mom!!!!

                  Sue , You aren't normal and sane either. No one in the US is normal and sane. We all have things about ourselves that we don't share with others.

                  Congrats you've kept the same job for 37 years. I am glad that job has been there for you. You are one of the lucky people.

                  As for being a stay at home father. That was my choice. I enjoy being around my kids. After living with a father who was sick for 20 years. You realize that you might not be here forever. Gotta spend what time you can with them.

                  It is what it is. As people in the real world Sue , I am sure you are a stand up person. We might disagree on here but that is our right.

                  • Re: Just... View
                      by GIN_QUEENIE_2006 on November 11, 2013 at 17:35:01 PST

                    well said and all too true I've already outlived my time by 9 years so I take each day as it comes.
    • Re: Just... View
        by Ladybenz on October 12, 2013 at 15:27:48 PDT

      : ...wanted to say hello to everyone.

      : It's been awhile and suddenly ygin was on my mind this morning so figured I'd drop a line.

      : Hope all is well in your neck of the woods. Nice to see that Bingo is still chugging along! :)

      : I'll check on this a little later in case anyone is inclined to reply.

      : Take care!

      : -Stephen

      Hi SAS!
      Good to see you! It has been a long time. Enjoy your games!

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