Gin (ygin)

Message Forum


  • Does anyone play here anymore View
      by steve33619 on January 16, 2014 at 04:02:53 PST

    I been idle for over 1300 days. I was wondering if anyone plays here anymore. Not sure if anyone even remembers me. It has been so long.
    • Re: Does anyone play here anymore View
        by marmin3 on January 17, 2014 at 07:05:42 PST

      : I been idle for over 1300 days. I was wondering if anyone plays here anymore. Not sure if anyone even remembers me. It has been so long.

      I remember you Steve; however I am having the same problem you have. No one is here anymore. I can't play early morning and that is the only time there is a game.

      • Re: Does anyone play here anymore View
          by bigoil_profiteer on February 24, 2014 at 14:17:06 PST

        : : I been idle for over 1300 days. I was wondering if anyone plays here anymore. Not sure if anyone even remembers me. It has been so long.

        : I remember you Steve; however I am having the same problem you have. No one is here anymore. I can't play early morning and that is the only time there is a game.

        Yeah I just re-enlisted and sat in the lobby alone for 2 hours.

      • Re: Does anyone play here anymore View
          by carolina1226 on January 19, 2014 at 04:05:18 PST

        I remember you, Steve. The only TD building tournaments is bingo. If someone had a "regular" tournament at another time of day or evening, I expect people would play!!!

        • Re: Does anyone play here anymore View
            by Colt on January 19, 2014 at 12:58:23 PST

          : I remember you, Steve. The only TD building tournaments is bingo. If someone had a "regular" tournament at another time of day or evening, I expect people would play!!!

          She failed to mention that 6 TD's that hosted almost every night got ran off.

          I bet they sure are happy the league is dying more and more.

          • Re: Does anyone play here anymore View
              by marmin3 on January 19, 2014 at 19:28:41 PST

            : : I remember you, Steve. The only TD building tournaments is bingo. If someone had a "regular" tournament at another time of day or evening, I expect people would play!!!

            : She failed to mention that 6 TD's that hosted almost every night got ran off.

            : I bet they sure are happy the league is dying more and more.

            Got ran off how??

            • Re: Does anyone play here anymore View
                by Colt on January 20, 2014 at 14:39:17 PST

              : : : I remember you, Steve. The only TD building tournaments is bingo. If someone had a "regular" tournament at another time of day or evening, I expect people would play!!!

              : : She failed to mention that 6 TD's that hosted almost every night got ran off.

              : : I bet they sure are happy the league is dying more and more.

              : Got ran off how??

              Marmin you are smarter than most here don't play dumb with me.

              • Re: Does anyone play here anymore View
                  by marmin3 on January 21, 2014 at 05:59:52 PST

                : : : : I remember you, Steve. The only TD building tournaments is bingo. If someone had a "regular" tournament at another time of day or evening, I expect people would play!!!

                : : : She failed to mention that 6 TD's that hosted almost every night got ran off.

                : : : I bet they sure are happy the league is dying more and more.

                : : Got ran off how??

                : Marmin you are smarter than most here don't play dumb with me.

                Hey Colt, I am not here that much anymore. I play at other site. I have no idea why Trouble, Sly, Spark Podge and who else left. All I know is that if they came back, I would play.

                • Re: Does anyone play here anymore View
                    by Monalisa62003 on January 28, 2014 at 18:14:02 PST

                  : : : : : I remember you, Steve. The only TD building tournaments is bingo. If someone had a "regular" tournament at another time of day or evening, I expect people would play!!!

                  : : : : She failed to mention that 6 TD's that hosted almost every night got ran off.

                  : : : : I bet they sure are happy the league is dying more and more.

                  : : : Got ran off how??

                  : : Marmin you are smarter than most here don't play dumb with me.

                  : Hey Colt, I am not here that much anymore. I play at other site. I have no idea why Trouble, Sly, Spark Podge and who else left. All I know is that if they came back, I would play.
                  I used to play on pyramid all the time but lost track what happened?? Something big mustve happened for literally everyone to zilch

    • Re: Does anyone play here anymore View
        by marmin3 on January 17, 2014 at 07:02:40 PST

      : I been idle for over 1300 days. I was wondering if anyone plays here anymore. Not sure if anyone even remembers me. It has been so long.

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