Mountain Euchre
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      by dolphyn6140 on June 17, 2012 at 15:55:11 PDT

    Tried to post this awhile back, but for some reason I could not. Anyways..due to my employer fighting the surgery, looks like it may be awhile if at all. In the meantime, Im going to pt 3 times a week cause I can't just do nothing. Will be able to play once in awhile iffin I see reg. games. (only cause I dont know all these others) Hugs to all and thanks so much for your prayers! Mary
    • Will keep you in my prayers - some other games are fairly basic - just have a read of the rules : View
        by ziasmum on June 18, 2012 at 00:59:18 PDT

      : Tried to post this awhile back, but for some reason I could not. Anyways..due to my employer fighting the surgery, looks like it may be awhile if at all. In the meantime, Im going to pt 3 times a week cause I can't just do nothing. Will be able to play once in awhile iffin I see reg. games. (only cause I dont know all these others) Hugs to all and thanks so much for your prayers! Mary

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Case's Arcade
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Cases Arcade Queen of the Lanes Badge (100000)
Set of Three Beach-Theme Prints (200000)
Cases Arcade Queen of the Lanes Badge (100000)
Cases Arcade Queen of the Lanes Badge (100000)
Cases Arcade May the Luck of the Irish be with You Badge (100000)

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