Mountain Euchre
Message Forum


  • Gloopy?? View
      by dolphyn6140 on December 6, 2011 at 11:56:03 PST

    How is Gloop doing? Saw she had major surgery, any news? Sure hope all is well! *remembers her 1st lost out in the country (road to nowhere) trip. omg she wrecked the truck and maybe was put on probation?? Scarry at the time but lmao about it now! (lady is a trip!)
    • Re: Gloopy?? View
        by _gloop on December 8, 2011 at 19:49:25 PST

      Well howdy!

      Sure is nice to see your name...giggle..thanks for reminding me of my probationary days, LOL

      Well, I am doing ok I guess. Hurt myself pretty bad after my surgery in a fall...I am once again off work and in bed :(

      But...I have lost over 40 pounds now since my surgery and I feel like I have a brighter future if I can quit being such a dang clutz!!!

      Miss you guys, I wish I had a computer beside my bed but I do not :( So I have to sneak in here to check my messages. What a pleasure to see you back!

      Maybe I can sneak in here next week and play a game or two with you all!

      Professional Truck Driver!


      : How is Gloop doing? Saw she had major surgery, any news? Sure hope all is well! *remembers her 1st lost out in the country (road to nowhere) trip. omg she wrecked the truck and maybe was put on probation?? Scarry at the time but lmao about it now! (lady is a trip!)

      • Re: Gloopy?? View
          by dolphyn6140 on December 9, 2011 at 08:11:25 PST

        Take it easy and get well soon! Your health is more important. Hugssssssssssssssssssss (gently)

    • Re: Gloopy?? View
        by dsch1_osh on December 8, 2011 at 12:41:16 PST

      Hope she is well
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