Pinochle (ypinochle)

Message Forum


  • Volunteers Needed View
      by tahuya_eagle on July 23, 2014 at 12:32:37 PDT

    It may help bring life to the Ladder if we had others to Volunteer to perform as a TD. This Ladder at one time was a very active Tournament Ladder.

    I understand many do not like the Variation play tourneys, but we do not play for money, we play for fun. Lets have some fun.

    I think some regular play and am occasional variation play tourneys could liven up the Ladder.

    • Re: Volunteers Needed View
        by barbie_92129 on July 27, 2014 at 21:22:20 PDT

      I miss the tournaments also and was once a TD. I would rather try to get some active players for a regular game rather than stay idle in stats. Some players are having computer issues with the new site. I like the new site. Even though the cards are smaller in size, I do like that it has the lounge chat. Sometimes I resort to using the old cases players I already have in my messenger list but no one responds. Perhaps their ID's have changed; I dunno.
    • Re: Volunteers Needed View
        by mr_meld_from_philly on July 26, 2014 at 17:20:06 PDT

      I would recommend finding something else to occupy your time resign this place is Dead.

      : It may help bring life to the Ladder if we had others to Volunteer to perform as a TD. This Ladder at one time was a very active Tournament Ladder.

      : I understand many do not like the Variation play tourneys, but we do not play for money, we play for fun. Lets have some fun.

      : I think some regular play and am occasional variation play tourneys could liven up the Ladder.

    • Re: Volunteers Needed View
        by MychalZ on July 24, 2014 at 10:39:33 PDT

      : It may help bring life to the Ladder if we had others to Volunteer to perform as a TD. This Ladder at one time was a very active Tournament Ladder.

      : I understand many do not like the Variation play tourneys, but we do not play for money, we play for fun. Lets have some fun.

      : I think some regular play and am occasional variation play tourneys could liven up the Ladder.

      I agree.... miss the tournies

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