Pinochle (ypinochle)

Message Forum


  • how and when do you get a game, View
      by Miameme on November 18, 2014 at 16:15:45 PST

    help, me to get started I signed up on here, but dont know how to get a game.
    • Re: how and when do you get a game, View
        by tahuya_eagle on November 19, 2014 at 04:41:54 PST

      go to and register, your Gaming Safari ID should match your Case's Ladder ID. After successful registration, you will need to download/install the software.

      Upon successful registration/installation and login to Gaming Safari, you would click on the Games Link, then select PINOCHLE. A list of lounges will then display, you would then select the Case's Singles under the League / Ladder Rooms on the right side of screen.

      After successful entry into the Lounge, you can create a table and advertise in the chat area to ask for a game, or join a table that needs players.

      You can contact me on Yahoo messenger.

      Good luck and have fun at the tables.

      : help, me to get started I signed up on here, but dont know how to get a game.

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