Pinochle (ypinochle)

Message Forum


  • Hurro??? View
      by Nettles_390 on June 30, 2018 at 10:14:35 PDT

    I tried to get into Safari, but it says I need an "app".

    Anyone know what that entails?


    • Re: Hurro??? View
        by tahuya_eagle on July 6, 2018 at 04:45:52 PDT

      you need to go to and click on the button at top of screen that says SOFTWARE, then you must download/install the application. You will also need to register your ID with GS and login.


      : I tried to get into Safari, but it says I need an "app".

      : Anyone know what that entails?

      : Nett

      • Re: Hurro??? View
          by fun_gal_67 on May 29, 2019 at 22:26:38 PDT

        I have always had an issue with that website.

        : you need to go to and click on the button at top of screen that says SOFTWARE, then you must download/install the application. You will also need to register your ID with GS and login.

        : tahuya_eagle

        : : I tried to get into Safari, but it says I need an "app".

        : : Anyone know what that entails?

        : : Nett

      • Re: Hurro??? View
          by fun_gal_67 on October 18, 2018 at 21:56:01 PDT

        I never could get safari to work. BTW, hello peeps

        : you need to go to and click on the button at top of screen that says SOFTWARE, then you must download/install the application. You will also need to register your ID with GS and login.

        : tahuya_eagle

        : : I tried to get into Safari, but it says I need an "app".

        : : Anyone know what that entails?

        : : Nett

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