Pinochle (ypinochle)

Message Forum


  • The bottom line is View
      by JJMMKK77 on April 3, 2014 at 15:12:25 PDT

    The ladder will have to play at through the weekend. We will move to Playok on Wednesday April, 9th . Members will have until Tuesday to comment on chat room site they prefer here in the forum... and I hate to say this, but if there is no consensus I will assign one. I'm sorry but we can debate this forever, who likes what, and who won't try which chat site, etc., but the bottom line is you need chat to play at PlayOK.

    I will again send out a newsletter tonite and Tuesday night with updated information. In the meantime talks continue with Gaming Safari. The links to the Yahoo page will be removed on the Main Page asap .


    • Re: The bottom line is View
        by mongoose_jnco22 on April 5, 2014 at 07:25:55 PDT

      cant get into so I have to wait for the 9th

    • Re: The bottom line is View
        by yogiwalsh on April 4, 2014 at 09:32:15 PDT is not user friendly. I have made several attempts to sign up for this site and it could not be done due to some security problem.

      At you cannot converse at the table.

      However, on Play.ok, the set up is pretty close to what we were use to at yahoo. There isn't a lobby to ask for a game but you can do that like the old days....ask at the table or use Robdar's set up.

      At Play.ok, you can converse at the table, the only set back is the timer. However, you can set the timer to play either for 15 mins. or 30 mins. which I suggest the latter.

      I would rather PLay.ok for cases it is user and player friendly.

      Take care.

      P.S. Since I am considered a newbie at this time, I do believe there is a time limit for posting in this forum. Due to the problems we are dealing with at this time, I would hope you would waive that restriction.


    • Re: The bottom line is View
        by barbie_92129 on April 3, 2014 at 22:41:27 PDT

      I prefer PlayOK over
    • Speaking of CLO View
        by Cmsldl on April 3, 2014 at 15:29:21 PDT

      Looks like the chat room is still there. You could give ops special powers.
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