Pinochle (ypinochle)

Message Forum


  • Loss of Former Member View
      by Rhorimns Widow on April 30, 2014 at 12:23:50 PDT

    I would like those who knew Rhorimn to know that he passed away last November after a brief illness. He was 60 years old. Although he had not played for some time there were many he considered "friends". I know he played in various games at various places and I would ask that you spread the word of his loss. I was unable to access his email so I don't know any addresses. He spoke frequently of "Nettles" who worked for the MN Twins ball team, I would like him to know, too.
    If anyone wishes to contact me (his widow) I'm at Thank you for all the pleasure you brought him.
    • Re: Loss of Former Member View
        by fun_gal_67 on July 11, 2014 at 17:39:17 PDT

      He has been missed by our ladder for quite some time, he dedicated many hours hosting tournaments and he never had a bad word to say about anyone. I can only imagine this carried over into his real life. I am sorry for your loss.

      : I would like those who knew Rhorimn to know that he passed away last November after a brief illness. He was 60 years old. Although he had not played for some time there were many he considered "friends". I know he played in various games at various places and I would ask that you spread the word of his loss. I was unable to access his email so I don't know any addresses. He spoke frequently of "Nettles" who worked for the MN Twins ball team, I would like him to know, too.
      : If anyone wishes to contact me (his widow) I'm at Thank you for all the pleasure you brought him.

    • Re: Loss of Former Member View
        by barbie0331 on May 2, 2014 at 22:11:32 PDT

      oh how sad - I had the pleasure of meeting him at one of the vegas tournaments and played in many of his online tournaments, as well.
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