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The current leaderboard contains 9 users.


RankAscend Name Wins Losses Skill Win % Streak Idle Ranks Played LadderBux Highest Achieved
Average Higher Now Life Rank Skill Streak
1 FELYPE_KIKO  6244 5730 1830 52.146% 0 20h 54 56.4% 53196 70216 1 1928 15
2 m4rg4r1ta  4212 4819 1643 46.639% 0 20h 30 50.4% 11714 10719 1 1791 18
3 lobitosagaz39  90 106 1561 45.918% 0 20h 9 78.6% 1408 1408 3 1648 5
4 elisamaria.59  114 246 1407 31.667% 0 20h 10 80.3% 1538 1538 2 1539 6
5 Kryxk  10900 12724 1527 46.139% 0 20h 49 53.5% 82349 82356 1 1770 21
6 Ouside68  3483 4487 1477 43.701% 0 20h 55 70.2% 55396 55141 1 1920 8
7 lalelyta  9466 6721 1692 58.479% 0 20h 40 47.6% 14710 13730 1 1870 15
8 milonguita1  8891 9062 1705 49.524% 0 20h 33 41.2% 30880 29925 1 1796 16
9 j_sasot  409 296 1613 58.014% 0 20h 11 50.8% 2963 2963 1 1702 11


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