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The current leaderboard contains 15 users.


RankAscend Name Wins Losses Skill Win % Streak Idle Ranks Played LadderBux Highest Achieved
Average Higher Now Life Rank Skill Streak
1 mrswhip12078  Diamond Member Member of this league for 7.7 years 586 656 1504 47.182% 0 9d 7 31.3% 620 2589458 1 2103 16
2 beebop  45 31 1593 59.211% 0 9d 5 82.9% 9162 13838 3 1743 5
3 chrispjlmtd  298 477 1474 38.452% 0 9d 6 58.0% 120 457874 1 1803 9
4 gin_lover  108 98 1604 52.427% 0 9d 7 53.7% 13468 255835 1 1648 6
5 LOVEYABUDDY  56 81 1495 40.876% 0 3d8h 5 78.8% 2312 8776 1 1543 4
6 bbeach_bum  Diamond Member Member of this league for 8.2 years 730 727 1585 50.103% 0 1d14h 7 28.2% 328 1011330 1 1927 14
7 whipspimpdaddy  2 2 1506 50.000% 0 8d 11 50.0% 2311 1411 9 1568 2
8 chefboyrd1_2011  555 570 1599 49.333% 0 4d14h 6 40.9% 10192 538572 1 1889 11
9 MRC__fbpshogun0  244 206 1547 54.222% 0 8d 5 54.4% 22769 57299 1 1721 8
10 ladychef2020  212 201 1496 51.332% 0 6d23h 5 65.1% 14074 50835 1 1681 8
11 madbaker69  2 6 1454 25.000% 0 16d 4 100.0% 1086 686 14 1501 1
12 canttouchthis23  2 0 1559 100.000% 0 6d14h 13 50.0% 610 620 12 1559 2
13 PRO_VBL  2 0 1566 100.000% 0 6d8h 6 100.0% 1110 1310 9 1566 2
14 bigcountry  6 6 1492 50.000% 0 6d5h 7 63.6% 792 2192 3 1549 2
15 my_little_angels_2  60 95 1497 38.710% 0 6d2h 4 68.4% 4234 11434 1 1568 4

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