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Live Support
We offer Diamond Members LIVE one on one support from our staff. You can resolve an account-related problem in seconds instead of waiting hours or days for E-mail. Connect
Awarded Medals

  • Tournament Champions Medal
  • Awarded to those players who have won a "Tournament of Champions". These are tournaments normally held at the end of the month that involve all the past monthly tournament winners.
  • Battle of the Sexes Medal
  • Awarded to those players who have won a "Battle of the Sexes" tournament. These fun tournaments are normally hosted once per month. May the better sex win!
  • Battle of the Leagues Medal
  • Awarded to those players who have won a "Battle of the Leagues" tournament. These fun tournaments are normally hosted once per month. May the better league win!
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Tournament Time EST
Now playing at GameDesire
League Admins
MrBongwater (Head Admin)  
CheekyLyn (Upsidedowner)  
rccrownroyal (Tricky Ricky)  
League Tips
You want to start over now that you are a better player? Gold, Platinum or Diamond members can reset their rank, ladder and tourney statistics in "My Account". The changes are not reversible.
Tournament Director
Interested in becoming a tournament director for the League? Click here for the application and more information!