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The current leaderboard contains 14 users.


RankAscend Name Wins Losses Skill Win % Streak Idle Ranks Played LadderBux Highest Achieved
Average Higher Now Life Rank Skill Streak
1 wildfire8278  9 7 1498 56.250% 0 3d5h 6 87.5% 3082 4082 7 1562 2
2 jojosand4020  11 5 1561 68.750% 0 3d15h 6 93.8% 1381 2181 6 1606 5
3 Brownplayer3000  Gold Member 72 93 1463 43.636% 2 2h2m 6 66.7% 10142 18342 4 1529 6
4 tigermaker10000  Gold Member 140 150 1450 48.276% -1 2h2m 7 40.7% 7897 24497 2 1613 6
5 CrayolaMajesty87  15 7 1554 68.182% -1 2h27m 6 59.1% 3710 2510 4 1610 5
6 Shadowcat8236  Gold Member 93 75 1560 55.357% 0 27m 5 45.2% 16921 19121 1 1635 6
7 hotdaddy1  Diamond Member 71 138 1351 33.971% -2 2h2m 6 56.9% 2027128 57434 2 1619 6
8 suckerrdg  15 8 1598 65.217% 2 4h36m 6 82.6% 1451 2751 5 1653 5
9 MichelleCaLegend  3 1 1550 75.000% 0 3d6h 4 100.0% 800 1000 8 1550 2
10 Supermom3  30 106 1229 22.059% 0 15h 5 72.1% 110 13438 1 1560 4
11 notmyluckyday  75 21 1646 78.125% 0 2d3h 6 46.9% 8517 12517 2 1747 9
12 boobooanna2  64 116 1252 35.556% -3 2h2m 7 66.1% 7280 7880 3 1533 4
14 ajsmom12  2 4 1428 33.333% 0 2d9h 7 83.3% 10361 761 9 1516 2
15 bunny63123  88 105 1389 45.596% 0 2d6h 6 36.3% 224 16602 1 1596 6

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