Zero Hour League

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The current leaderboard contains 15 users.


RankAscend Name Wins Losses Skill Win % Streak Idle Ranks Played LadderBux Highest Achieved
Average Higher Now Life Rank Skill Streak
1 Sense2  18 17 1503 51.429% 0 21d 6 33.3% 5714 5714 1 1620 2
2 Rostam_ant  1 0 1525 100.000% 0 17d 2 0.0% 530 530 3 1525 0
3 Ig  2 0 1550 100.000% 0 21d 1 0.0% 540 540 4 1550 0
4 rora  4 5 1469 44.444% 0 7d14h 2 33.3% 550 550 1 1545 0
5 [_BoHa_]  3 3 1500 50.000% 0 5d20h 2 0.0% 560 560 3 1550 0
6 JFK  3 3 1497 50.000% 0 15d 3 100.0% 500 500 3 1500 1
7 Sharkonaut  4 3 1505 57.143% 0 15d 4 0.0% 530 530 4 1600 1
8 Chez  6 5 1548 54.545% 0 12d 4 33.3% 544 544 2 1553 2
9 FlasH  2 2 1500 50.000% 0 5d5h 1 0.0% 520 520 4 1500 0
10 KAJANGBOYS  1 0 1525 100.000% 0 5d17h 2 0.0% 510 510 4 1525 0
11 -]ArtiFiCiaL  1 0 1535 100.000% 0 5d20h 1 100.0% 510 510 7 1535 1
12 travi  1 0 1525 100.000% 0 4d23h 2 0.0% 670 670 5 1525 0
13 omen  1 2 1475 33.333% 0 35d 1 0.0% 510 510 3 1475 0
14 ExTinct  1 0 1546 100.000% 0 95d 1 0.0% 520 520 6 1546 0
15 JarmenKellGLA  1 0 1525 100.000% 0 35d 1 0.0% 530 530 7 1525 0

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