Wordox (fswordox)


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The current leaderboard contains 16 users.


RankAscend Name Wins Losses Skill Win % Streak Idle Ranks Played LadderBux Highest Achieved
Average Higher Now Life Rank Skill Streak
1 bronzebennett  57 44 1624 56.436% 0 3982d 7 52.5% 9700 9780 1 1670 4
2 Diamond-Di  1319 3102 1213 29.835% 0 3763d 14 74.6% 1534 208742 4 1560 7
3 lainy  6718 4763 1503 58.514% 0 3695d 13 26.8% 1266 576188 1 1834 20
4 alijay13  2539 1377 1556 64.837% 0 3982d 11 34.6% 51361 126935 1 1884 26
5 flippyfloppy123  3278 3204 1491 50.571% 0 3982d 14 46.9% 39132 88417 1 1792 14
6 natsssss  1004 127 1920 88.771% 0 3980d 8 9.6% 9532 157379 1 2091 60
7 BrianSmallacombe  7124 2941 1678 70.780% 0 3981d 11 14.5% 43771 179817 1 1907 25
8 Hey_Judexx  2099 2456 1399 46.081% 0 3981d 14 51.2% 174752 136648 2 1704 11
9 cherirock4  641 2396 1205 21.106% 0 3982d 11 75.1% 81704 133874 3 1480 5
10 ajaxer  1329 1820 1291 42.204% 0 3982d 11 66.1% 83481 105158 2 1636 9
11 MCSalad1  482 96 1963 83.391% 0 3987d 7 31.0% 30903 36250 1 1999 21
12 orsey  1288 3237 1248 28.464% 0 3981d 13 70.1% 12880 35006 2 1531 8
13 AYORS  431 1336 1244 24.392% 0 3982d 9 77.6% 45957 59337 3 1538 4
14 kes-  109 15 1966 87.903% 0 3984d 7 44.4% 3442 3629 1 2020 22
15 TiggyT  Diamond Member Member of this league for 21.9 years 582 1902 1115 23.430% 0 5528d 16 81.8% 21560 68746 5 1550 6
16 ItsMeCH2  338 733 1291 31.559% 0 -5169d 17 75.4% 77333 47206 5 1504 5

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