
Members are responsible for knowing the Rules of  Games and Pogo Rules for games we play.
Read our Rules posted on tourament page's before you come to game room.

Treat all with respect!
Thats not up for debait at any time.
Remember this is a Gaming Site and we are here for Competition and to enjoy the frienship we make on pogo!

1. Only Use 1 ladder Name per User.

2.Make it Your Pogo Name or as Close as you can

3.You Must Register For Each Tour Yourself and You Are Not Allowed To Register Anyone Else For A Tour.

4.Never Use any Type Of Auto Run Programs

5.Never give links to anything but League in our Rooms .

6. Always Mark down your Tokens and you'r opponent's tokens

7.If you disagree with results ask Host, be polite to recheck.

8.Pogo refreshes the who's here token count at various intervals and therefore it will not always reflect the true amount of tokens at any given time.
This is why you are instructed where to obtain you token counts after you refresh.
However if there is a game we dont ask to refresh due to time or pogo issue we assure all that  is based on honesty and places this trust on each and every member to report thier token count correctly.

9.If you join tours be there on time we will remove you if not,
No buxs are refunded for missing tours.

10.Game Rules are posted on Each Tourament Page Please Read them, Breaking any of these Rules are grounds to be Boxed 1st a warning is issued from Head Staff
2nd. You are Boxed (Not allowed to play for a set amount of days)
3rd You will be removed and banned from rejoining.

11.MEMBERS AND OTHER HOSTS ARE NOT ALLOWED TO INTERFERE WITH THE RUNNING OF THE TOURNAMENT each td is look after thier own tourneys unless they ask a htd or admin for help, if you believe a staff memeber is not doing a good job please take matter to ha or co-ha of league.

We are Human and ALL staff here Volenteer their time.
A simple Thank You would be excepted when they host.
All the best Great Gaming Group

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LadderBux Store Ad
Case's Ladder is proud to offer you rewards for using our site. Just like frequent flyer programs offered by the airlines LadderBux lets you earn a variety of items just for using our service! We will keep a constant supply of new and exciting prizes here for you to redeem your LadderBux on.
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Recent Winners
ID No. TD Name [Completed Tourneys] Type
Saturday December 21, 2024
11801096 LAMALAMADINGD0NG [11023] S.E. 1 vs 1 oneolie5
11798905 oneolie5 [10220] S.E. 1 vs 1 LAMALAMADINGD0NG
11798907 oneolie5 [10219] S.S. 1 vs 1 LAMALAMADINGD0NG
Friday December 13, 2024
11801002 LAMALAMADINGD0NG [11022] S.S. 1 vs 1 oneolie5
Thursday December 12, 2024
11800797 LAMALAMADINGD0NG [11021] S.S. 1 vs 1 oneolie5
Saturday December 7, 2024
11799989 LAMALAMADINGD0NG [11020] S.E. 1 vs 1 oneolie5
11791636 oneolie5 [10217] S.S. 1 vs 1 LAMALAMADINGD0NG
11798903 oneolie5 [10218] S.E. 1 vs 1 LAMALAMADINGD0NG
Friday December 6, 2024
11798909 LAMALAMADINGD0NG [11019] S.S. 1 vs 1 oneolie5
Thursday December 5, 2024
11798744 LAMALAMADINGD0NG [11018] S.S. 1 vs 1 oneolie5
Tournament Time EST
Now playing at Pogo
League Admins
outtamyhead (Head Admin)
Olie (Co~ha 2)

New's Letters are mailed out the

 first week of each month they

detail all our contest.

We invite you to bring your family

 and friends to ggg so they can win great gifts from contest and have fun playing with a great group of

friendly caring people.

 We would love to have all your birthdays so we can wish you

 a happy birthday or happy anniversary.



 We love to share tell us when

 you have a child or grand child

so we can rejoice with you.

 All Staff work here for free and

give there time so please be

kind and say thank you for them

given the time to host for us all.

If you have a game you love that

 we dont play let us know and

 we will try and add it to the

list of rooms we host in now.


We look forward to getting to

know each and everyone of

you that come onto the league

 and hope you will want to know

 us as well.

We aim to please here but we

dont like drama so please

 leave that outside the league.



 We have alot of weekend

specials and they will show

up each weekend @ 10 pm

 with big buxs to be won.

 Come join in the fun and

 get a trophy and bragging


 and Every time you

play and win you move up

the ladder and earn ladder

 buxs, these can be used to

 shop at cases stores for free




 The more people we have

 on the league the better things

 run so tell as many people

 as you can about the fun

friends you have made on

 ggg league.

New tourneys can pop up

any time so check the

calendar and page often.

 Also you earn buxs just by

 signing in each day.



 Lastly we want you to always

 have fun here and relax and

 kick back and enjoy the games. Always be a good sport when

 in games and say wtg if

 you are playing someone

 thank them for playing you.If we all treat each

 other the way we wish to

 be treated then everything

 here will sparkle and shine

 and that makes you all shine

 as really a league is a reflection

 on everyone of us.














League Tips
The link to the rules for the League is located in the sub-menu on the Home tab.
Tournament Director
Interested in becoming a tournament director for the League? Click here for the application and more information!