
The Displayed Image shows the Typical Table before bidding. In the Top Right Box it identifies how Table is Set. These settings are made prior to Start of Game. Also featured across the top is the Hand and Score. After hand is awarded to High Bidder the Bid, Meld, Trump and Counters taken are displayed. The required Counters to take is a minimum of 20 or the difference between the bid and meld if more.


To be a member of Good times Pinochle you must be at least 14 years of age as mandated by the Terms of Service. To play you must be a registered member of SAFE HARBOR and of Good Times Pinochle League. Registration and tournament play are FREE.


All of our tournaments are 2x2 Single Elimination (team play). For Single Elimination games you continue play in tour until you have lost a match. As a reward if a team scores a "Coupe" aka "Boston" (capturing all the counters) in a hand they will each receive 1000 Bux. There may be an occasional variation and the participants will be informed by directions on the tour registration page.


Across the bottom of the table are options available to player. When you press See Meld a dialog will appear showing the least meld in your hand. As shown the Meld for a Trump Suit (Club Run) is not tabulated.


The camera icon next to the See Meld Icon is used to allow kibitzers to see hand. A Kibitzer is identified in the Chat Area and by a pair of eyes over your nickname. The Auto Button allows a bot to play your hand. With the table set DISABLING BOT, the AUTO BUTTON will only play cards !!IT WILL NOT BID HAND!!




a. A player from the first team announced will sit first, followed by the remaining 3 players. !!!!! PLEASE START ONCE ALL ARE SEATED !!!!!


b. The Default Table Setting is as illustrated below The tour host will announce if changes can be made for the Game Score and / or Hand Limit. As a convenience the person setting table can make these changes. Once the setter starts game and  cards are dealt, play will continue without resetting a table. For any table set incorrectly the host should be notified.


c. In most cases and if necessary a table that needs to be reset to meet the game requirements will be done after last hand is played at the table with play continuing until there is a winner.

For a no hand limit game where tables are set for a hand limit and winning score has not been attained, record score; reset table; continue until winning score. When the game score does not match set score; game will end when winning score is attained before the hand limit is reached; or, if game score is not reached the table is reset and game continued until winning score is attained.


d. The game ends when game score is reached, a team resigns, or after the last hand is played. If both teams reach game score on same hand then the bidding team is determined as the winner. If neither team reaches game score then High Score is winner,  or,  in the case teams are tied then the bidding team wins.


e. We encourage play to final hand before losing team chooses the option to resign.  


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Tournament'(s) Found: 2

800 PM EST abbysgram
Jump: 1599464
Format: 2vs2
Game Format: 2v2 400 game 8 hands no
Game Name: Pinochle
1015 PM EST frostedinfla
Jump: 1597316
Format: 2vs2
Game Format: DOUBLE DECK 400 GAME 8 HA
Game Name: Pinochle
Recent Winners
ID No. TD Name [Completed Tourneys] Type
Thursday March 27, 2025
1600096 SusieQ383 [1065] S.E. 2 vs 2 Nana_of_3
1598200 abbysgram [309] S.E. 2 vs 2 samsmack53
Wednesday March 26, 2025
1597315 frostedinfla [957] S.E. 2 vs 2 bobbybu
1599463 abbysgram [308] S.E. 2 vs 2 gman774
Tuesday March 25, 2025
1599967 Zmokee [2235] S.E. 2 vs 2 kyky1016
1598199 abbysgram [307] S.E. 2 vs 2 slimbarb5
Monday March 24, 2025
1597314 frostedinfla [956] S.E. 2 vs 2 abbysgram
1599966 Zmokee [2234] S.E. 2 vs 2 samsmack53
Sunday March 23, 2025
1599591 shroad52 [2977] S.E. 2 vs 2 JOHNHILDEBRAND3
1599462 abbysgram [306] S.E. 2 vs 2 bobbybu
Saturday March 22, 2025
1599461 abbysgram [305] S.E. 2 vs 2 Snoopy74
1598469 SusieQ383 [1064] S.E. 2 vs 2 annetterh2002
Friday March 21, 2025
1600026 shroad52 [2976] S.E. 2 vs 2 Nana_of_3
1598197 abbysgram [304] S.E. 2 vs 2 DBLKfinn99
Thursday March 20, 2025
1598468 SusieQ383 [1063] S.E. 2 vs 2 janedoeaka
1598196 abbysgram [303] S.E. 2 vs 2 sheryl
Wednesday March 19, 2025
1597312 frostedinfla [955] S.E. 2 vs 2 Nana_of_3
1598467 SusieQ383 [1062] S.E. 2 vs 2 bobbybu
Tuesday March 18, 2025
1598466 SusieQ383 [1061] S.E. 2 vs 2 smoms107
1598195 abbysgram [302] S.E. 2 vs 2 dlhessin
Tournament Time 11:02:53 am EDT
Safe Harbor Games
Now playing at Safe Harbor Games
League Admins
PSmith4703 (Head Admin)  
SHROAD52 (Terry)  
SUSIEQ383 (Sue)  
ABBYSGRAM ((Karen))  
SUNDANCE45 (Sunny; Retired)  


1. You are here to play Pinochle in a Social Setting. Win or Lose, HAVE FUN. Leave the Drama outside. Display Good Sportsmanship at all times and show respect to the full membership and those we share the room. Cursing, whether using initials or typing it out, will result with a 30 day box, repeated offenses will result in removal from the league. 

2. Do not criticize anyone for the way they play nor have discussions of cheating. Acts of disrespect, drama, and cheating are dealt with seriously which may include removal from league.

3. If you have a member blocked and are assigned to play them you have the choice to UNBLOCK and Play or the game is forfeited to your opponent.

4. There are no registration restrictions on making teams, however, tours will not be held up to allow members to join late teams. It is strongly recommended you make a team as soon as possible  and finalize all teams at least 5 minutes prior to the tour starting. The host is not responsible for dropped teams that are incomplete at Tour start. If one partner has not joined 5 minutes prior, it is suggested that you remove the team and register as Auto Play immediately to secure you place in the game. Hosts may from time to time hold open a tournament to allow the prior tournament finalists to join the next tour.  No host at anytime shall hold open a tournament, other than to fill the tournament to start, not to exceed a 15 minutes time delay, at which time the tour will revert to a different format or remove the tournament. If at anytime, the tournament is deleted or removed, all players who registered will receive their paid buxs refunded to them.

5. When starting a tournament, either player from the 1st team announced will sit 1st, followed by the remaining 3 players. When all are seated , then click start and begin play.


6. The majority of our games are played using the default table settings. (( Game Score: 400 / Hand Limit: 8 / Disable Bot Play: Checked / Show Hand Points: Checked)). The Final Match of ALL tournaments will end with !NO HAND LIMIT! When changes are required to Table Settings the Host will announce them. Table Resets are rarely required and when they are it can usually be done at end. For any table set incorrectly the host should be notified before play begins. In most cases, we do not reset the game for incorrect hand limits as the game can be played to the set hand, finish and then Host will record the score and reset the game for the needed hands to complete the game.


7. The game ends when game score is reached, a team resigns, or after the last hand is played. If both teams reach game score on same hand then the bidding team is determined as the winner. If neither team reaches game score then High Score is winner, or, in the case teams are tied then the bidding team wins.


8. We encourage play to final hand before losing team chooses the option to resign. If a team chooses to resign and as a courtesy, they should have taken at least one counter after allowing the opposing team to play for a Boston.


9. Players already registered on AUTO TEAM should not withdraw from tour to even out the AUTO registrants. Our hosts join or withdraw to even up tour.

10. Do Not register for a tournament while playing in another, doing so will result in a 3 day box.

11. Kibitzing (Watchers) must be left on for the Host to access table. Others may Kibitz with the consent of the Host Players at table. Please ask first to watch a game, do not just Kibitz without permission.

12. You are expected to play if you have entered a tour at GTP. Depending on circumstances exceptions can be made, however, missing tour and playing at another venue can result in a 3 day box. Continued offenses will result in removal from league.


13. Anytime a table freezes or the high bidder is unable to select trump the game will restart if on the first hand, otherwise the score will be recorded by the host and game resume with the current hand at a new table. Score should be kept manually and winning team announced at conclusion of game.

14. Although we discourage the use of Bots in Tournament Play, we may ask that a Bot be used when a partner is displaced and after exhausting all attempts to secure a Substitute. Tables are normally set to disable bots, meaning remaining players must move to another table, sit at same seat and enable bots in the settings. Game then will continue with the current score and hand played being kept manually.

15. We do not allow (2) substitutes sitting and playing for a missing team. A (5) minute timer will be set by the host after allowing a few minutes for one of the team members to sit at the table. If time runs out the match will be awarded to the waiting team.

16. Camping out in a league's lobby is not permitted. It Is at the Host's discretion to remove someone who is not actively playing in the current tournament. If for any reason, you need to camp in the league's lobby, please ask the Host's permission to be there until the tournament starts.


17. Members of the league are allowed to play on the unused tables during a tournament for pleasure or practice. Please be mindful of the tournament in progress and do not disturb the members playing in the tournament.


18. Please do not jump on a table that is playing to check the scores. If you cannot see the score during hovering by clicking your mouse next to the table and move your mouse over the table to reveal the hand # and score. If it is not working, please ask the host to report the table you are waiting on.


19. Should you have a concern please contact an Administrator or Host in a private message using the Safe Harbor Message Service.







League Tips
You should never share your password with anyone for any reason.
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Interested in becoming a tournament director for the League? Click here for the application and more information!