Know When To Hold'em
To withdraw your account from a League, log into the MyAccount tab and the Withdraw option will be listed under My Options on the left-hand side. Please note the process is irreversible, so be SURE you want to withdraw before doing so. If you are a premium member, then you may be required to remove and/or transfer the premium membership to another League so that the premium membership is not lost.
If you are unable to find your account on the League, then there are several possibilities of what could have happened. If you haven't played recently and you are not a premium member, then it is likely your account was purged for inactivity. Check with the Admin team of the League to see how inactivity is handled. Make sure you are searching on the right League! There are several Leagues for the same game, so make sure you are looking in the correct location. Many people get confused and look for their account on the wrong League. If you are still unable to find your account, please contact the Admin team on the League for further assistance.
In most cases, yes! However, the Head Admin has the final say.
You can have only one account per League per person, but you are allowed to join as many different Leagues as you would like. In other words, it is okay to have accounts on two different Leagues, but it is not okay to have more than one account on the same League.
This decision is up to the Head Admin of the League. However, there may be certain restrictions placed on you, such as being unable to report matches to members that reside in the same household.
If you have forgotten your password, you can have it sent to the e-mail address associated with your account. To retrieve your password, visit the MyAccount tab and click on Lost Password in the sub-menu.
If you do not play for a specific amount of time, then your winning or losing streak may be reset. The Head Admin of the League sets the specific amount of time, so please contact him/her with any further questions about streaks.