Know When To Hold'em
A tournament is a short-term competition with a scheduled beginning and a specific end. Players may register to play in a tournament on any League for which they are registered. When the tournament begins, each player is paired up with an opponent (or more than one opponent, depending on the format of the tournament.) Tournaments can be for "LadderStats," in which case the results are reported to the Ladder on which the tournament was played.
For a complete list of tournaments for your Ladder or League, visit the Tournament Calendar located on the "Tournaments" tab. You can access the page for a specific tournament by clicking on the jump number. Once you have selected the tournament you would like to join, the information for that tournament will be listed under the 'Tournament Info' heading.
A team tournament is any tournament in which there is more than one person on each team in a match. The captain of the team (the first person registering) has to create and name the team. The captain will then create a team password that the other team members can use to join the correct team when registering for the tournament. When you click the 'Register' link on a tournament page, detailed instructions will show up on the page to clarify any further questions you may have.
To register for a one-vs-one tournament, click on the "Tournaments" tab and go to the Tournament Calendar section. You can access the page for a specific tournament by clicking on the jump number. On a tournament's main page, click the 'Register' link and fill out the form to register for the tournament. All tournaments are listed in Eastern U.S. Time. Check-in for the tournament will open approximately 30 minutes prior to the start time. If you have registered for the tournament prior to check-in being opened you will have to return to the tournament page to check-in.
The loser (or losing team) reports a tournament loss by clicking the 'Report' link on a tournament page and then filling out the form on the page. If a tournament is 'LadderStats,' matches will be automatically reported to the Ladder on which the tournament was held after the tournament is completed.
You should arrive at least 15 minutes early to be sure that you are signed up, checked-in and ready to play.
On a tournament page you will see all of the pertinent information listed under the 'Tournament Info' heading, including the location of the tournament. If you have any additional questions or problems on the location, you should contact the Tournament Director for help.
If a tournament is listed as a 'LadderStats' tourney, as most are, it indicates that the results from the matches played in that tournament are automatically posted to the Ladder at the end of the tournament, so do not attempt to report the loss yourself manually to the Ladder.
Click here to find out everything there is to know about double elimination tournaments.
Click here to find out everything there is to know about Swiss System tournaments.
All tournament times are listed in Eastern Time. To find out what time it is now in Eastern Time, look at the Tournament Time listing, located just above the "Play Now" button on your League's page.
A LadderBux Calculator is located on the "Prizes" link on each tournament page. The LadderBux calculator can be used to calculate how many LadderBux the the top finishers would win in a particular tournament.
The LadderBux entry fee isn't withdrawn from your account until the tournament has been completed and closed by the Tournament Director, so this should not be a problem.
Always contact the hosting Tournament Director if you encounter a problem in a tournament.
If the standings bracket doesn't load, try reloading or refreshing the page. If that doesn't work, try closing your browser and loading the tournament page again. If you're still experiencing the problem after that, then try clearing your cache or cleaning out your temporary Internet Files. If none of the above solutions takes care of your problem, then ask the Tournament Director to let you know who your opponent is.
If you are having a problem reporting a tournament loss, ask the Tournament Director to report the match for you.