Jungle Monkeys

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The current leaderboard contains 15 users.


RankAscend Name Wins Losses Skill Win % Streak Idle Ranks Played LadderBux Highest Achieved
Average Higher Now Life Rank Skill Streak
1 Linda54476  10616 7706 1563 57.941% 3 11h31m 7 27.0% 798851 1571844 1 1818 19
2 busterman80  Cold Streak 7120 4617 1525 60.663% -6 11h31m 6 35.2% 351118 790349 1 1847 19
3 signal20gator  Platinum Member Member of this league for 15.4 years 2972 9227 1504 24.363% 1 11h31m 5 72.8% 293509 1702855 1 1657 9
4 daybreak1237  4059 5029 1486 44.663% -1 11h31m 4 46.4% 111904 533488 1 1651 11
5 cgmoak57  293 540 1499 35.174% 1 3d11h 2 79.7% 4967 47417 1 1604 10
6 Lcperkgirl  698 701 1534 49.893% 0 7d22h 4 58.3% 311730 234034 1 1697 9
7 deemouse  2 0 1576 100.000% 0 7d16h 2 100.0% 670 770 5 1576 2
8 speciallady269  2779 1921 1500 59.128% 0 6d16h 5 45.3% 143568 310183 1 1774 13
9 boomboomdany4062  5 1 1647 83.333% 0 4d19h 2 100.0% 1890 1190 2 1647 2
10 daybreakmorning  2 10 1382 16.667% 0 4d19h 2 100.0% 1170 770 5 1528 1
11 bhd121  573 409 1619 58.350% 0 7d19h 5 36.4% 128968 173208 1 1797 10
12 sturm53n  3482 2765 1568 55.739% 0 7d4h 7 43.4% 141687 333652 1 1754 14
13 redhorton  105 80 1539 56.757% 0 6d13h 5 46.5% 2910 9310 1 1648 8
14 worcestergirl34  194 283 1348 40.671% 0 4d16h 5 66.2% 5870 23690 2 1582 7
15 Theresacurtis11  4085 2995 1517 57.698% 0 4d16h 8 42.4% 417469 711831 1 1787 13

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