Message Forum


  • Does anybody use this thing? View
      by yugiomitchel on May 16, 2010 at 00:09:54 PDT

    I think it would be cool if we used the forums if we had something to say, even though we have a chat tool. Forums are cool because there is no letter limit or anything. Not saying you have to agree with me, but I'm just saying. Thank you.


    • Does anybody use this thing? View
        by eveninstarr57 on April 8, 2011 at 11:15:34 PDT

      I think it would be cool if we used the forums if we had something to say, even though we have a chat tool. Forums are cool because there is no letter limit or anything. Not saying you have to agree with me, but I'm just saying. Thank you.~Kyle

      • Does anybody use this thing? View
          by eveninstarr57 on April 8, 2011 at 11:21:22 PDT

        I think it would be cool if we used the forums if we had something to say, even though we have a chat tool. Forums are cool because there is no letter limit or anything. Not saying you have to agree with me, but I'm just saying. Thank you.~Kyle

        reply: apparently not,lol but now that i noticed it maybe i can remember to,lol.i dont know the diff between chat

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