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The current leaderboard contains 30 users.


RankAscend Name Wins Losses Skill Win % Streak Idle Ranks Played LadderBux Highest Achieved
Average Higher Now Life Rank Skill Streak
1 packrat7171960  54 67 1239 44.628% 0 6d15h 7 66.1% 7199 16449 1 1570 4
2 tommyp58  13 32 1187 28.889% -2 1d12h 9 53.3% 328 3078 1 1525 2
3 Mermaid748  192 125 1518 60.568% 0 6d3h 6 54.3% 9444 34094 1 1659 9
4 RhoadsLoboWolf  129 108 1477 54.430% 0 6d15h 6 84.4% 8501 25451 2 1576 5
5 darookie66  51 90 1285 36.170% 1 1d12h 7 47.5% 4450 15650 1 1514 2
6 mistyblufly  88 24 1622 78.571% 0 21h 3 20.5% 39522 45692 1 1677 15
7 vonten  390 217 1444 64.250% 0 1d18h 5 42.3% 15019 61919 1 1715 11
8 pugs5  5878 6637 1424 46.968% 2 1d12h 5 40.4% 6804702 3587290 1 1922 28
9 tigerp4  123 70 1481 63.731% -1 1d12h 7 37.8% 10477212 157404 1 1655 12
10 pugdog6651  5 7 1410 41.667% 0 5d18h 6 100.0% 2750 3650 5 1452 1
11 crystal_delight  4 0 1577 100.000% 0 3d3h 10 50.0% 1920 2220 7 1577 2
12 lovelyme1237  369 586 1458 38.639% 0 5d15h 6 72.3% 6278 50618 2 1579 7
13 kayeyb  7 4 1497 63.636% 0 8d 7 81.8% 3804 4574 5 1527 2
14 linda19520721  7 7 1423 50.000% 0 20d 6 78.6% 1190 1940 6 1550 2
15 moda53  1099 966 1463 53.220% 0 1d18h 6 42.4% 28756 206676 1 1664 10
16 packrat1960  1 1 1474 50.000% 0 23d 6 100.0% 500 500 17 1474 1
17 Behbeh65  994 1053 1441 48.559% 0 20d 6 65.2% 75454 248864 1 1613 8
18 tattoogirl4010  11 1 1605 91.667% 0 20d 5 41.7% 2392 3492 1 1630 9
19 momshelper111  174 233 1424 42.752% 0 20d 5 50.6% 3957 37351 1 1508 6
20 SLLORT  5 0 1616 100.000% 0 20d 6 80.0% 1788 2188 5 1616 5
21 ncsquaw  301 282 1640 51.630% 0 20d 5 51.1% 12042 56542 1 1666 7
22 aslam154nn  44 12 1685 78.571% 0 20d 4 69.6% 4500 9100 2 1696 6
23 Hot1RiverQueen  191 367 1307 34.229% 0 20d 6 79.9% 5800 44870 2 1553 5
24 slottykathy  1181 3513 1249 25.160% 0 20d 6 61.5% 2551278 1297270 1 1580 4
25 bebby11  52 12 1711 81.250% 0 20d 5 89.1% 5193 7993 4 1822 9
26 WHITEDOG66  168 74 1559 69.421% 0 20d 5 61.6% 7638 27488 1 1693 9
27 K9Nicky  298 236 1549 55.805% 0 20d 6 70.4% 10204 52254 1 1646 8
28 fnnygirlrocker  831 1015 1520 45.016% 0 20d 5 77.0% 13650 90780 1 1696 9
29 kendeaton  21 13 1538 61.765% 0 20d 6 94.1% 1719 4219 6 1612 3
30 debmrl9  9 3 1605 75.000% 0 20d 4 83.3% 13236 13036 3 1629 4

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