SlotBattles4Fun (slotbattles4fun)


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The current leaderboard contains 11 users.


RankAscend Name Wins Losses Skill Win % Streak Idle Ranks Played LadderBux Highest Achieved
Average Higher Now Life Rank Skill Streak
5 marmite1985  11 6 1578 64.706% -1 10h31m 3 70.6% 1512 2412 3 1638 5
6 Bootsyboy7  455 472 1520 49.083% 1 10h31m 5 45.8% 181968 239788 1 1630 8
7 Baby_face2k9  103 82 1556 55.676% -1 10h31m 4 40.5% 28961 44311 1 1640 8
8 ch177ax  52 66 1490 44.068% -2 10h31m 6 79.7% 653 2883 2 1575 4
9 MaxCoins  224 197 1485 53.207% 2 10h31m 6 53.7% 27536 41286 1 1668 15
10 Tat_Man_  855 827 1512 50.832% 3 10h31m 6 35.4% 1931324 808926 1 1666 8
11 Stebubba  336 360 1501 48.276% -3 10h31m 5 39.1% 91816 143576 1 1665 7
12 chrisfleming9  366 372 1572 49.593% -1 10h31m 6 40.5% 73808 108738 1 1670 8
13 loverboy55792  Diamond Member Member of this league for 4.6 years 104 106 1510 49.524% -2 10h31m 5 64.3% 760 111978 1 1580 7
14 Phoenix200020  57 60 1529 48.718% -3 1h31m 5 51.3% 24193 29382 1 1605 5
15 Mrsbabyface  41 38 1508 51.899% -3 10h31m 4 51.9% 21674 29174 2 1642 8

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