Spades Haven

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The current leaderboard contains 8 users.


RankAscend Name Wins Losses Skill Win % Streak Idle Ranks Played LadderBux Highest Achieved
Average Higher Now Life Rank Skill Streak
1 g3mini64  11 3 1708 78.571% 0 6d21h 5 90.0% 565 830 7 1708 3
2 lostlocket46  299 149 2235 66.741% 0 6d21h 8 54.0% 480 27548 2 2500 7
3 mmmmmbam2002  96 72 2202 57.143% 0 6d21h 7 42.7% 29672 34122 1 2312 7
4 edwardq9  492 578 2112 45.981% 0 4d3h 13 57.9% 9138 29058 1 3111 12
5 daisycutter82  72 60 2292 54.545% 0 4d3h 9 52.0% 2022 4902 2 2427 10
6 lil_shortee_2002  728 370 3041 66.302% 0 4d3h 36 55.8% 100 204096 2 3104 23
7 hotrod_117  2 5 1624 28.571% 0 4d3h 17 100.0% 500 529 81 1624 2
8 russell313  3 1 1660 75.000% 0 4d3h 4 100.0% 561 661 7 1660 3

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