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The current leaderboard contains 17 users.


RankAscend Name Wins Losses Skill Win % Streak Idle Ranks Played LadderBux Highest Achieved
Average Higher Now Life Rank Skill Streak
1 GSJEANLOVECRIB  Hot Streak 404 440 1579 47.867% 5 4d16h 6 60.7% 63229 201809 1 1751 12
2 lmsudol156  1921 1553 1560 55.297% -1 4d1h 16 35.1% 617325 735109 1 1768 16
3 boomboomdany4062  61 69 1579 46.923% -1 3d1h 5 89.2% 17262 7212 2 1588 5
4 ceo100able  1 1 1495 50.000% -1 2d1h 4 100.0% 320 520 11 1502 1
5 misslily247  11 7 1547 61.111% -2 1d1h 2 83.3% 3265894 4885 3 1630 4
6 TigerCat1  81 31 1679 72.321% 2 7h30m 6 33.0% 8862 14562 1 1789 9
7 wyntergirl33  495 391 1639 55.869% -1 7h30m 8 65.6% 28045 64635 1 1755 8
8 mattwerden  Cold Streak 5884 6156 1093 48.870% -14 7h30m 16 45.8% 510951 1429016 1 1826 22
9 Ripmac59  Cold Streak 4610 6633 799 41.003% -128 7h30m 12 53.4% 51661 522743 1 1732 11
10 pauls1950  Hot Streak 12756 10069 1859 55.886% 12 3d7h 14 19.1% 552793 1256179 1 1910 31
11 tntcardmom  3271 3055 1677 51.707% 2 6d1h 14 37.5% 203265 364140 1 1758 14
12 mrsmarylu3  18 17 1690 51.429% -1 22h 6 51.4% 4115 6415 1 1753 5
13 swomfox31  25 42 1489 37.313% 2 5d19h 3 95.5% 2871 3421 2 1570 3
14 love2winone  4635 3421 1287 57.535% -2 5d19h 7 40.5% 703466 2032289 1 1770 21
15 sweeteyed23  194 167 1573 53.740% -1 3d1h 2 67.3% 21344 41594 1 1684 7
16 lava  21 3 1834 87.500% -1 188d 3 25.0% 650 25296 1 1870 14
17 sasiteck  7 5 1510 58.333% 0 55d 23 91.7% 8990 90606 14 1649 4

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