Tarzanz Jungle
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Tournament Directors
  • Head TD's
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Name Status T.D. Since T.C. Last T.C. Days
angelz8k Active-Exempt 1/5/2017 1550 9/21/2023 458
bigganga Active-Exempt 4/12/2018 1198 12/10/2024 12
buckfeverooi Active-Exempt 10/14/2014 1444 12/20/2024 2
DAVIDHART Active-Exempt 2/7/2015 1760 9/23/2024 90
paulb Active-Exempt 3/6/2015 2126 12/21/2024 1
pearlztarzan13 Active-Exempt 9/9/2014 2123 12/22/2024 0
pinlover62 Active 7/10/2022 715 12/16/2024 6
rsh89506 Active 12/11/2020 256 3/1/2024 296
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Gaming Safari
Now playing at Gaming Safari
League Admins
pearlztarzan13 (Head Admin)  
snoopydoo (BEE)  
League Tips
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Tournament Director
Interested in becoming a tournament director for the League? Click here for the application and more information!