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  • Single elims : View
      by -Evanescence- on January 28, 2005 at 09:46:38 PST

    Hi all!!! I know I'm fairly new to your league but I'm not new to league play as I've TD'd and owned several leagues for several different games at VUG ...Anyways, I was wondering why there's not more Swiss(regular or true) tourneys.

    Spades is not one of my stronger games but I do love to play and it's quite discouraging when you're eliminated after playing only one match and then have to wait sometimes up to 45 minutes for the next tourney. I won't stay and wait that long for a game. I very much want to play but one match every hour isn't very much fun. Ya know!?! lmao

    I think you all have a fantastic league here and everyone's been quite friendly BUT win or lose I'd like to play more more more and more!!!! lmao

    Take care all,

    Bobbi (Evan) :)

    • Re: Single elims : View
        by Twisted_Hunny2u on January 29, 2005 at 04:58:39 PST

      Heyyyyyyyyyy Ev,
      Welcome to Twisted WWWWWWWEEEEE. Just another note why we have SE during the day.... it is so Shine can get her house work done in between tourneys.LMAO.
      :Again welcome to the family and have funnnnnnnnn
      :Hugssss Hunny

      • Re: Single elims : View
          by shine3909_TD on January 29, 2005 at 17:24:09 PST

        : Heyyyyyyyyyy Ev,
        : Welcome to Twisted WWWWWWWEEEEE. Just another note why we have SE during the day.... it is so Shine can get her house work done in between tourneys.LMAO.
        : :Again welcome to the family and have funnnnnnnnn
        : :Hugssss Hunny

        Yeah I agree it is handy for cleaning time, also for ones like me losing once in a tourny is enough.

        welcome to twisted eva weeeeeeeeee



    • Re: Single elims : View
        by ---RJ---HDTD on January 28, 2005 at 14:24:23 PST

      Hey Bobbi Hugssssss and Welcome to Twisted ! Weeeeeeeeeee.

      We do have Swiss tourneys on Tuesday and Thursday and Saturday and Sunday at 9pm. And occassionly the midnight tourney will be swiss.

      During the day we have tourneys every hour so there is not time to have a swiss tournament without it running into other tourneys.

      I hope this helps. See you at the tables Weeeeeee

      • Re: Single elims : View
          by Twisted-Animal on January 28, 2005 at 15:24:28 PST

        What RJ said (hehe).

        With a league as big and active as ours it is hard to try to please everyone, so that is why we have specific times for swiss and single elimination, as well as regular and crazy games. This way the players can choose what they wish to play and not play in.

        There are times that there are other swiss tourneys, if the TD has a special event and wishes to make it swiss. Not all TDs have the desire to know and host swiss, as it is different from single eilimination.

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