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The current leaderboard contains 16 users.


RankAscend Name Wins Losses Skill Win % Streak Idle Ranks Played LadderBux Highest Achieved
Average Higher Now Life Rank Skill Streak
1 stitchthis25  Platinum Member Member of this league for 10.0 years Cold Streak 13923 10960 1688 55.954% -6 22h 11 21.3% 2144736 4698305 1 1975 30
2 Carole  26759 21410 1803 55.552% -2 22h 18 36.2% 410123 8900548 1 1977 38
3 Farceuse  27286 16657 1757 62.094% -2 22h 17 36.0% 578263 2993128 1 1998 56
4 troteuse  Platinum Member Member of this league for 10.7 years 4120 5509 1607 42.787% 4 22h 11 58.2% 158930 1103484 1 1846 18
5 poupa50  9583 9779 1776 49.494% 4 22h 12 50.7% 229505 821475 1 1898 30
6 xxYsatisxx  20732 12938 1760 61.574% -2 22h 16 36.8% 1123831 2619411 1 1984 48
7 Joe90  1730 1504 1777 53.494% -2 22h 6 43.5% 56690 153130 1 1982 34
8 Gigi2016  Cold Streak 22066 17534 1699 55.722% -6 22h 16 31.4% 1356623 7080028 1 1972 42
9 mams057  Cold Streak 15847 16013 1473 49.739% -8 1d21h 19 49.9% 601480 1551975 1 1903 26
10 bucfanone  3597 5933 1596 37.744% -2 1d21h 9 63.3% 47346 297176 1 1819 16
11 AbRaCaDaBra  63 116 1560 35.196% -2 1d21h 6 92.7% 3280 9680 4 1749 6
12 Marie639  16293 12203 1806 57.176% 4 1d19h 14 51.2% 639570 1614545 1 1933 28
13 mado_28  Cold Streak 9078 9197 1442 49.674% -18 1d21h 10 36.5% 203397 771237 1 1861 26
14 are_late  Cold Streak 2679 3241 1478 45.253% -16 22h 9 74.5% 10272 204042 1 1849 29
15 Tipit_1945  28 38 1621 42.424% -2 4d19h 6 78.8% 3630 1630 3 1715 4
16 anelle1955  1376 3188 1592 30.149% -4 22h 8 77.4% 10430 86680 1 1783 18

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