Message Forum


  • PRAYER FOR Gelo View
      by CHIRR on May 19, 2005 at 09:04:59 PDT

    MY PRAYERS ARE SENT TO GELO, may god bless you, strengthen you, hold you, may god send his Angels of mercy, to comfort you, i know its hard bening sick, but dont give up, these are trying times, may god bless you and your family and give you all EAGLES strength to SOAR above any and everything.Love CHIRR-A TWISTED FAMILY MEMBER.
    • Re: PRAYER FOR Gelo View
        by Twisted_GeorgieGirl on May 19, 2005 at 09:26:53 PDT

      : MY PRAYERS ARE SENT TO GELO, may god bless you, strengthen you, hold you, may god send his Angels of mercy, to comfort you, i know its hard bening sick, but dont give up, these are trying times, may god bless you and your family and give you all EAGLES strength to SOAR above any and everything.Love CHIRR-A TWISTED FAMILY MEMBER.

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