Message Forum


  • iTunes! View
      by sncjr on September 30, 2008 at 22:14:17 PDT

    Hey everybody!

    Sorry I haven't been around in has me buckled down. But I wanted to tell you guys that I my debut album "206" is now available on iTunes! So if you get the opportunity to take a listen I would be very appreciative! Just search "Samuel Childs" or use this addy:

    • iTunes! View
        by Mussel on November 13, 2012 at 10:37:25 PST

      Hey everybody!Sorry I haven't been around in has me buckled down. But I wanted to tell you guys that I my debut album "206" is now available on iTunes! So if you get the opportunity to take a listen I would be very appreciative! Just search "Samuel Childs" or use this addy:

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Safe Harbor Games
Now playing at Safe Harbor Games
League Admins
Gigi2016 (Head Admin)  
League Tips
If your friends and family tell you to get some fresh air, you can always take a laptop outdoors.
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Cases Arcade King of the Lanes Badge (100000)
1 TD Donation (7500)
1 TD Donation (7500)
Quick and Easy Air Fryer Dinner Recipes (Kindle Edition) (75000)
Linked Hearts Charm (65000)

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