Have fun! Please, remember, all tournaments are held on an Eastern Time(US/Canada)schedule. Treat one another with kindness and respect. We are all FRIENDS here and that should be a given. DRAMA IN OUR LEAGUE WILL NOT BE TOLERATED! IF YOU ARE HERE TO CAUSE ANY KIND OF PROBLEM THEN PLEASE SEE YOURSELF OUT OTHERWISE, YOU WILL BE SHOWN OUT!!! 1: People should never discuss ….Religion.....Politics....Sex...or any other touchy subject, while in open chat. If for some reason they wish to discuss one or all of these, then they should call the person they wish to talk with, into PC, where only their views are seen by each other, not by all who may get offended. Every person has the right to having their own views on matters, what they do not have is the right to criticize or make fun of another persons views. Whether you are married or just living together and not married, you are black, white, Asian, catholic, Muslim…..or any other nationality, race or religion, are heterosexual or homosexual...…that is YOUR business alone. No one has the right to ridicule you or condemn you for it....especially in open chat for all to see. 2: Offensive or vulgar language should not be used, nor implied. If what you are about to say, you yourself would feel offended by if you heard it said by others....then don't say it. A point to remember; FRIENDS room is a family room, where everyone is welcome, including your children. Keep it clean and your league will flourish, fill it with smut.....and you will soon disappear. 3: Criticism; Do not be quick to criticize others for what you feel they have done wrong. No one is without fault! Comments which belittle another person are hurtful....if someone were to comment in that regard about you....would you like it??. If you feel someone is doing something incorrect, notify your TD, let them be aware of your feelings, but DO NOT cause a commotion by making statements in open chat. 4: GOSSIP; - WHY DO WE GOSSIP? Gossip makes a person feel superior about whom they are gossiping. We gossip to draw people into our own hurt and anger. We want others to side with us, then they repeat the story to friends, who repeat the story to friends and on and on. Even if you gossip the truth, it does not justify passing on hurtful information about someone. Gossip also hurts the gossiper! When you speak ill of someone, you alienate yourself from them personally as well as, that person's friends. THINK before speaking about another person in a controversial manner. Ask yourself, is it true? Is it inspiring? Is it necessary? IS IT KIND? If what you are about to say does not pass these test, THEN IT IS GOSSIP and we should keep our mouths SHUT. GREAT MINDS DISCUSS IDEAS......AVERAGE MINDS DISCUSS EVENTS......BUT....SMALL MINDS DISCUSS PEOPLE. Please hold chat to a minimum during 10th frame. Make sure you report your score with a W(win), L(loss),T(tie)if unsure please post score with a ?. This helps the TD's greatly. Please be respectful and patient with your TD's. If it weren't for them we wouldn't have our tours. They deserve all the gratitude. They do this for free and out of the kindness of their hearts therefore, appreciation goes a long way. Make sure you enjoy yourself while in room but please don't get vulgar. If it would offend you then it probably would offend others. Most of all have loads of fun!!!! This league is like family and we want everyone to be happy. Good luck to you all and Happy bowling!!!! WOULD LIKE TO LET EVERYONE KNOW THAT OUR LEAGUE WAS CREATED FOR PEOPLE TO COME IN TO THE GAME ROOM TO BOWL, MEET NEW FRIENDS, HAVE FUN WITH NEW AND OLD FRIENDS AND BE A FRIENDLY FAMILY IN A WHOLE. IT SHOULD NEVER BE ABOUT WHO WINS OR WHO LOSES. HOW MANY WINS OR LOSSES. MAIN POINT SHOULD ALWAYS BE THAT EACH AND EVERYONE HAS HAD A GREAT TIME TOGETHER. MUCH HARD WORK GOES INTO THIS LEAGUE EACH AND EVERY DAY, FOR ALL TO ENJOY.....WE ALL JOKE AND PLAY AROUND, AND THAT IS WONDERFUL AND ALSO NEEDS TO CONTINUE.IT IS ALWAYS BEST TO KEEP AN OPEN MIND WHEN JOKING AROUND WITH OTHERS. THERE SHOULD NEVER BE ANY TENSIONS OR DRAMA BETWEEN ANY PERSONS OPENLY IN THE ROOM.IF THERE IS PLEASE KEEP IT TO YOURSELVES. IF SOMETHING IS SAID THAT YOU TAKE OFFENSIVE PLEASE TAKE THAT PERSON INTO PRIVATE CHAT AND LET THEM KNOW. DO NOT BRING THE ISSUES UP IN MAIN CHAT! ALL IT TAKES IS ONE INDIVIDUAL TO THROW THE WHOLE ATMOSPHERE THAT WE ALL ENJOY INTO A DOWNWARD SPIRAL. SO IT IS BEST TO CHECK YOUR FEELINGS AT THE DOOR. MAINTAIN AN UPBEAT SPIRIT AND ALL AND ALL HAVE FUN, NO MATTER WHAT. IF YOU KEEP THE OPEN MIND AND MAKE SURE YOU TAKE THINGS AS THEY WERE MEANT YOU WILL FIND THE ENJOYMENT OF IT ALL IS THE BEST! LAUGHTER IS FOOD FOR THE SOUL.....SO KEEP LAUGHING AND ENJOYING YOURSELVES!
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