500 Tournaments (500tournaments)

500 Card Game Tournament


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The current leaderboard contains 25 users.


RankAscend Name Wins Losses Skill Win % Streak Idle Ranks Played LadderBux Highest Achieved
Average Higher Now Life Rank Skill Streak
1 Craig  3230 1529 1755 67.871% 4 4h33m 9 13.8% 15031 15031 1 1896 38
2 Giorgio  2064 1614 1656 56.117% -2 4d4h 9 43.6% 12209 12209 1 1826 20
3 Sambo32  2211 1636 1576 57.473% -2 4h33m 9 35.4% 2470 2470 1 1822 20
4 Lil  354 532 1495 39.955% -4 4h33m 9 60.9% 3485 3485 2 1676 8
5 elimae17  309 376 1550 45.109% -2 4h33m 9 58.0% 716 716 2 1734 14
6 kaos  2617 2786 1537 48.436% -2 4h33m 9 35.6% 13248 13248 1 1740 20
7 Peppercornpie  1235 2146 1444 36.528% -2 4h33m 9 53.9% 1397 1397 1 1660 12
8 Wayne  1984 906 1625 68.650% 4 4h33m 9 47.8% 1581 1581 1 1868 38
9 Michelle  1697 1140 1582 59.817% -2 4h33m 9 45.0% 3703 3703 1 1819 26
10 ruby  1945 2686 1511 42.000% -2 4h33m 9 50.3% 6814 6814 1 1680 16
11 Sibi  112 124 1596 47.458% -4 2d13h 9 54.5% 1230 1230 2 1672 12
12 Slydeal  28 30 1623 48.276% -2 11d 8 69.0% 512 512 4 1660 10
13 Abba  1964 1495 1637 56.779% -2 5d5h 9 40.1% 5584 5584 1 1817 24
14 GGKelly  1512 1984 1449 43.249% -4 2d13h 9 46.7% 1810 1810 1 1730 18
15 Madhatter  214 406 1434 34.516% -4 4h33m 8 75.0% 3379 3379 3 1649 14
16 Hurricane  1015 444 1643 69.568% -2 11d 10 62.1% 2332 2332 2 1886 30
17 JennyH  524 928 1339 36.088% -4 11d 8 56.2% 21307 21307 1 1637 10
18 ftarry  1419 1191 1615 54.368% -2 19d 9 44.1% 1405 1405 1 1766 18
19 Geoff  153 114 1529 57.303% -4 9d 9 82.7% 732 732 6 1701 22
20 Useless  266 190 1693 58.333% -2 27d 9 60.6% 849 849 3 1823 24
21 Cee1  Cold Streak 2131 2203 1352 49.169% -6 26d 9 40.9% 48244 48244 1 1764 20
22 nil_angel  6 8 1490 42.857% -4 10d 6 85.7% 514 514 7 1624 4
23 H-U-Dnz  8 4 1542 66.667% -4 16d 11 83.3% 556 556 11 1698 8
24 Ian476  384 460 1530 45.498% 0 56d 8 65.8% 686 686 2 1711 22
25 NannyG  Cold Streak 146 168 1372 46.497% -12 10d 9 67.8% 591 591 4 1756 12

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