500 Tournaments (500tournaments)

500 Card Game Tournament


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The current leaderboard contains 25 users.


RankAscend Name Wins Losses Skill Win % Streak Idle Ranks Played LadderBux Highest Achieved
Average Higher Now Life Rank Skill Streak
1 Peppercornpie  Cold Streak 1279 2186 1588 36.912% -6 1d2h 9 53.4% 1424 1424 1 1682 12
2 Sibi  136 132 1708 50.746% -2 1d6h 9 55.1% 1307 1307 2 1775 12
3 Craig  3278 1555 1672 67.825% -2 1d2h 9 13.8% 15347 15347 1 1896 38
4 Giorgio  2088 1644 1627 55.949% 4 1d2h 9 43.4% 12353 12353 1 1826 20
5 Abba  1990 1517 1639 56.744% 4 1d2h 9 40.4% 5668 5668 1 1817 24
6 Sambo32  2253 1674 1566 57.372% -4 2d5h 9 34.8% 2502 2502 1 1822 20
7 Slydeal  46 34 1736 57.500% -2 4d0h 8 70.0% 528 528 4 1774 14
8 MISS500  8 8 1504 50.000% -4 1d2h 9 68.8% 544 544 6 1623 4
9 Wayne  Hot Streak 2012 926 1647 68.482% 6 2d5h 9 47.9% 1601 1601 1 1868 38
10 Hurricane  1039 450 1732 69.778% -2 1d2h 10 62.4% 2352 2352 2 1886 30
11 Michelle  1721 1162 1582 59.695% -2 1d2h 9 45.2% 3719 3719 1 1819 26
12 ruby  Cold Streak 1967 2732 1416 41.860% -8 1d6h 9 50.5% 7246 7246 1 1680 16
13 H-U-Dnz  14 8 1589 63.636% -2 4d0h 10 77.3% 598 598 11 1698 8
14 GGKelly  Cold Streak 1518 1994 1425 43.223% -6 2d5h 9 46.8% 1920 1920 1 1730 18
15 Useless  274 194 1689 58.547% -2 4d0h 9 60.9% 875 875 3 1823 24
16 Madhatter  Cold Streak 222 420 1441 34.579% -6 2d5h 8 75.1% 3553 3553 3 1649 14
17 kaos  2619 2794 1489 48.383% -2 11d 9 35.7% 13250 13250 1 1740 20
18 elimae17  Cold Streak 321 400 1434 44.522% -8 4d0h 8 58.6% 724 724 2 1734 14
19 JennyH  Cold Streak 534 948 1407 36.032% -6 25d 8 56.7% 22009 22009 1 1637 10
20 Geoff  157 118 1514 57.091% -4 5d2h 9 82.8% 736 736 6 1701 22
21 Lil  360 546 1467 39.735% -4 1d6h 9 60.4% 3489 3489 2 1676 8
22 Marco  Cold Streak 2 8 1423 20.000% -8 1d2h 8 100.0% 560 560 19 1552 2
23 ftarry  1421 1193 1615 54.361% 0 43d 9 44.2% 1405 1405 1 1766 18
24 NannyG  148 172 1394 46.250% -2 1d6h 9 68.1% 591 591 4 1756 12
25 Cee1  2131 2203 1352 49.169% 0 71d 9 40.9% 48736 48736 1 1764 20

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