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The current leaderboard contains 24 users.


RankAscend Name Wins Losses Skill Win % Streak Idle Ranks Played LadderBux Highest Achieved
Average Higher Now Life Rank Skill Streak
1 18Richard18  Gold Member 48 58 1410 45.283% -2 6h12m 5 50.9% 36875 52177 1 1625 5
2 im_already_gone  Platinum Member 72 75 1422 48.980% -1 11h22m 8 12.9% 165774 183374 1 1599 7
3 Fetch_it_up  Diamond Member 129 203 1440 38.855% 2 6h12m 6 49.2% 229192 300504 1 1531 4
4 SNOWLASHES  8 7 1500 53.333% -1 6h12m 6 80.0% 1362 3762 3 1540 5
5 ochwiaay  Diamond Member 128 191 1416 40.125% -3 6h12m 6 38.2% 820050 294640 1 1551 6
6 inatrance234  12 4 1603 75.000% -1 2d11h 5 62.5% 6501 9201 2 1647 8
7 TXChristmasBear  3 0 1569 100.000% 3 1d2h 7 100.0% 4361 4861 6 1569 3
8 BigDaddyKool68  Diamond Member 43 48 1399 47.253% -3 2d6h 5 68.1% 226127 79727 2 1671 7
9 Grannie51  15 13 1502 53.571% 2 1d4h 5 82.1% 3721 5522 4 1607 4
10 LewisRulz  27 12 1658 69.231% 3 1d10h 6 69.2% 12004 17704 2 1658 6
11 deaddly  22 5 1742 81.481% 0 7d10h 4 77.8% 71689 71789 2 1742 6
12 PeaKoh  Gold Member 104 93 1538 52.792% 0 3d8h 6 23.9% 19176 42976 1 1621 10
13 ukrichard  4 8 1391 33.333% 0 4d6h 6 75.0% 3330 3130 7 1486 1
14 poppsv  47 15 1576 75.806% -2 12h 6 59.7% 14320 23820 1 1820 10
15 blonzilla  8 9 1371 47.059% -1 1d4h 6 88.2% 4905 4305 7 1595 3
16 WeGotsThis  3 1 1538 75.000% 0 6d8h 8 75.0% 1084 1084 6 1565 3
17 icey1212  3 3 1463 50.000% -1 6h12m 5 100.0% 1705 4105 10 1533 2
18 bob2112  7 2 1591 77.778% 0 10d 5 100.0% 3331 3231 4 1591 3
19 SpadeMav  17 13 1445 56.667% -4 2d3h 6 73.3% 4193 13093 4 1658 4
20 trifolium  Gold Member 49 55 1504 47.115% -1 12h 5 37.5% 237211 45318 1 1546 7
21 Chesslover  2 2 1484 50.000% 0 17d 5 100.0% 810 1010 12 1564 2
22 AllSpadesLGirl  48 22 1546 68.571% -2 1d10h 5 54.3% 23454 31654 2 1776 13
23 Santa_MaK  18 4 1641 81.818% 0 7d12h 6 90.9% 30063 31963 3 1719 4
24 Kessy  Diamond Member 3 1 1526 75.000% 0 35d 5 100.0% 32910 3410 7 1562 3

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