Message Forum


      by kiwijohn on February 15, 2012 at 15:47:48 PST

    On the 14th of february, New Zealand Time I was having a bad day, for some reason I was feeling quite upset. It was the next day that I read the post that Sharon passed away which was the 13th, Canadian time which was the 14th here. Now I know why my heart was saddened that day, my heart shed a million tears, and as I write my condolences I can feel shivers running up and down my spine. I may not have been around much lately and I knew Sharon was not in good health and my days have been saddened for the loss of a very dear internet friend. I wish I had met up with her when I was over there in 2006, but I know that when it is my turn to return home, I'll play a few games of cribbage with Sharon and share stories of the fun we had plying cribbage. I will miss you Sharon, you were a good friend to me even when I was psycho-john. I know you are back home and in a much happier and great place. Just save me a spot at the cribbage table and I will see you then. Take care my friend, love you and I'll always remember you.

    Kiwi_john, just_john, psycho_john and any other name that you knew me by.

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