Message Forum


  • cant get in to lobby View
      by the_natural_111 on July 23, 2013 at 13:48:23 PDT

    hi is there a new link to the game room its seems to me i cant get in i see game room n i click on it and there is nothing happenning, it wont lead me to the game room
    • cant get in to lobby View
        by ShyMoose on July 24, 2013 at 12:00:56 PDT

      Hi sly, it's me moose...welcome to our league. You gotta go to and sign up for a user name and download their software. Don't know if the play now button takes you there after you have downloaded the software or not....I haven't used the button.

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Gaming Safari
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Mini Pop Push It Keychain (267000)
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Tree of Life Pendant (120000)
Rooster Tail Spinner Fishing Lure (250000)

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