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      by getsissilove on August 15, 2011 at 20:38:43 PDT

    I love it how NO ONE ever answers my threads or talks to me or wants to know MORE about me...or why I cant HEAR tutt radio...after ALL this why would I or ANYONE WANT to sign onto pogo or Bux ladder?...have fun y'all that have the answers to these questions!...FRUSTRATED!...
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        by conureking on August 25, 2011 at 17:36:07 PDT

      I love it how NO ONE ever answers my threads or talks to me or wants to know MORE about me...or why I cant HEAR tutt radio...after ALL this why would I or ANYONE WANT to sign onto pogo or Bux ladder?...have fun y'all that have the answers to these questions!...FRUSTRATED!...

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          by conureking on August 25, 2011 at 17:37:18 PDT

        I love it how NO ONE ever answers my threads or talks to me or wants to know MORE about me...or why I cant HEAR tutt radio...after ALL this why would I or ANYONE WANT to sign onto pogo or Bux ladder?...have fun y'all that have the answers to these questions!...FRUSTRATED!...
        call me sis,,i am very sorry that happen,,my granny had a stroke and shes 100,,
Tournament Time EST
Now playing at Pogo
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July28Player (Head Admin)  
Conureking[head-admin] (CONURE)
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LadderBux Redemptions
Cozy Witch Mysteries (Special Edition 8 Book Set)(Kindle Edition) (75000)
Cases Arcade I Love 8 Ball Pool Badge (100000)
Cases Arcade I Love Bingo Badge (100000)
Cases Arcade Queen of the Lanes Badge (100000)
Distressed Heart Charm (65000)

Over $4,901,650.00 worth of prizes awarded so far!
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