Message Forum


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      by getsissilove on August 15, 2011 at 20:38:43 PDT

    I love it how NO ONE ever answers my threads or talks to me or wants to know MORE about me...or why I cant HEAR tutt radio...after ALL this why would I or ANYONE WANT to sign onto pogo or Bux ladder?...have fun y'all that have the answers to these questions!...FRUSTRATED!...
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        by conureking on August 25, 2011 at 17:36:07 PDT

      I love it how NO ONE ever answers my threads or talks to me or wants to know MORE about me...or why I cant HEAR tutt radio...after ALL this why would I or ANYONE WANT to sign onto pogo or Bux ladder?...have fun y'all that have the answers to these questions!...FRUSTRATED!...

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          by conureking on August 25, 2011 at 17:37:18 PDT

        I love it how NO ONE ever answers my threads or talks to me or wants to know MORE about me...or why I cant HEAR tutt radio...after ALL this why would I or ANYONE WANT to sign onto pogo or Bux ladder?...have fun y'all that have the answers to these questions!...FRUSTRATED!...
        call me sis,,i am very sorry that happen,,my granny had a stroke and shes 100,,
Tournament Time EST
Now playing at Pogo
League Admins
July28Player (Head Admin)  
Conureking[head-admin] (CONURE)
League Tips
Platinum and Diamond members can move LadderBux between their accounts. Visit the Buy Membership link on the MyAccount tab to find out how.
LadderBux Redemptions
Cozy Witch Mysteries (Special Edition 8 Book Set)(Kindle Edition) (75000)
Cases Arcade I Love 8 Ball Pool Badge (100000)
Cases Arcade I Love Bingo Badge (100000)
Cases Arcade Queen of the Lanes Badge (100000)
Distressed Heart Charm (65000)

Over $4,901,650.00 worth of prizes awarded so far!
Click here to view available prizes!
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