Twisted Cribbers

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Rank  (To find unranked users, use the filter 'Rank is 0')

The current leaderboard contains 8 users.


RankAscend Name Wins Losses Skill Win % Streak Idle Ranks Played LadderBux Highest Achieved
Average Higher Now Life Rank Skill Streak
1 WildEvie4U  611 628 1545 49.314% 2 5h38m 3 0.0% 1070 1170 1 1735 10
2 DJ_Fire_Dragon  706 772 1473 47.767% -1 5h38m 3 75.0% 1502 1602 1 1624 8
3 DarlinPuppy  Platinum Member 723 637 1575 53.162% -1 1d5h 3 66.7% 1028967 3324 1 1689 14
4 gryhnds4marci  495 475 1522 51.031% -4 1d5h 3 30.8% 6372 6272 1 1664 7
5 Randy2001  Platinum Member 2227 2242 1625 49.832% 3 1d6h 3 40.0% 691720 4120 1 1682 12
6 dondon50  4 5 1456 44.444% -1 5h38m 3 66.7% 225 625 3 1561 3
7 streakingsam  345 372 1431 48.117% -4 5h38m 3 100.0% 1190 690 1 1638 6
8 misty3445  Platinum Member 1264 1238 1501 50.520% 0 2d14h 0 0.0% 2200 600 1 1697 9

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