Twisted Cribbers

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The current leaderboard contains 16 users.


RankAscend Name Wins Losses Skill Win % Streak Idle Ranks Played LadderBux Highest Achieved
Average Higher Now Life Rank Skill Streak
1 DarlinPuppy  Platinum Member 769 668 1565 53.514% -1 8h6m 4 43.2% 1043609 36346 1 1689 14
2 WildEvie4U  627 659 1410 48.756% -4 8h6m 5 0.0% 1135 2685 1 1735 10
3 whataboutbob4322  29 25 1606 53.704% 4 8h6m 6 40.7% 1985 4035 2 1634 4
4 dondon50  42 40 1553 51.219% -1 8h6m 4 45.7% 958 4758 2 1651 5
5 DJ_Fire_Dragon  747 817 1534 47.762% -2 8h6m 5 47.9% 6703 12403 1 1624 8
6 gryhnds4marci  514 501 1456 50.640% 3 16h 4 63.6% 17306 20256 1 1664 7
7 Randy2001  Platinum Member 2254 2279 1485 49.724% -2 10h22m 5 55.6% 697170 29920 1 1682 12
8 denslowdeed  686 941 1498 42.163% -1 16h 7 68.4% 2522 3922 1 1679 7
9 hockeylover620  10 10 1533 50.000% 2 2d6h 4 70.0% 1783 2033 3 1542 2
10 Sawman84  Platinum Member 778 701 1590 52.603% -1 19h 5 54.1% 155172 25799 1 1627 7
11 nascarnut4838  1077 752 1558 58.885% -2 19h 5 76.2% 1425 1875 1 1704 8
12 misty3445  Platinum Member 1270 1245 1500 50.497% -2 16h 6 84.6% 22330 2560 1 1697 9
13 streakingsam  363 387 1557 48.400% -1 2d7h 4 68.3% 2004 3004 1 1638 7
14 Brattycardlvr  Gold Member 10 8 1526 55.556% -2 10h22m 6 77.8% 2284 2084 4 1619 3
15 kickaxe4  71 66 1436 51.825% 0 7d8h 4 100.0% 806 1206 2 1591 5
16 caleflk402  848 701 1447 54.745% -1 1d14h 12 100.0% 720 520 1 1660 16

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